
I'd like to know is the creator of Family guy, g*y?

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I just want to know he seems like it.




  1. I don't think so, but his parodies are dead-on!

  2. I've seen him in interviews and never gotten a gaydar blip about him -- and my gaydar is very, very good.

    However, he must have been around a lot of g*y friends, colleagues, or family members for quite some time -- that show just has too high a camp level at times.  That kind of appreciation just doesn't come naturally to most straight folks.

    And I don't care who or what he sleeps with, as long as he keeps doing that show for many years to come.  It's just one of the most ingenious and clever comedies I've ever seen -- a pure delight.  It's the only TV series whose DVDs I'm buying -- h**l, I don't even have the complete "I Love Lucy" DVD set yet, though Santa's probably bringing it to me this Christmas.  :-)

  3. Supposedly, Seth MacFarlane is dating Amanda Bynes (!) so apparently not.  But he is, obviously, a friend-of-the-community.

    Too bad.  I think he'd kinda s**y.  I think we'd make a HOT couple.  Seth, if you're reading this and you want to "take a walk on the wild side," email me.

  4. I dont think so, but I really appreciate having someone with intelligence and a way of getting a good message across on our side

  5. No, he doesn't seem like it at all to me.

  6. i'm pretty sure he's not, what would make you think that?

  7. As far as I know, he's not. I think I read something that said that he has a g*y brother or cousin or some other form of family member, which is why he supports equal rights for homosexuals. It'd be cool if he were g*y. I think he's cute. Haha.


    I'm pretty sure it's his cousin.

  8. No, he's not.  

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