
I'd like to know who exactly paid for Obama to be a Community Organizer?

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Who hired him? Who was his superviser? Who is the nameless, faceless

person or group who employs these professional rabble rousers? Who

bankrolls them so they can agitate in poor neighborhoods?

I'd love to know so we could follow the money trail back and see where

it leads us. How many cut-outs and front organisations until you get

back to Democrat Party Headquarters?

I'd love to see an FBI or IRS flowchart of all the connections between

mafia controlled labor unions, tax exempt fronts like phony inner city

churches, mosques, environmental and other "lobbying" groups like AARP,

ACLU, anti-gun groups, PETA, NAMBLA and the rest.

And yet, for all of that, they still can't manage to run this nation the

way they want. And why not? Because of people like us. And they hate our





  1. Jerry Kellman head at that time of Chicago's Developing Communities Project, a one-man organization funded by an arm of the Catholic Church and overseen by a coalition of black churches.

    Obama also worked as a Community Organizer for New York Public Interest Research  New York State's largest student-directed consumer, environmental and government reform organization.

    Chicago's Project Vote! shrugs off the possibility of running for office. "Who knows?" he says. "But probably not immediately." He smiles. "Was that a sufficiently politic 'maybe'? My sincere answer is, I'll run if I feel I can accomplish more that way than agitating from the outside." Direct quote from Obama.

    Your question was great until you started ranting. Why don't you do the flow chart.

  2. He helped people get an education thru tutoring programs and helped people find was started thru 8 Catholic Churches in Chicago, so I assume they paid his salary (which I am sure was not alot)...whoever paid for it, he did a good job for the community and helped people in need, how can anyone complain about that!?

  3. Communists

  4. Everybody would love to see these things, not only of Obama but all politicians.  But if the information was revealed and we truly understand the corruption, few would vote

  5. Tony Rezco

    Obama wont let his community organizer record come out.  But the Reps I'm sure have them and are just waiting for the right time to release them

  6. Jerry Kellman with the Developing Communities Project.

  7. Billy Ayers

  8. You admit from the start that you don't have any facts which makes your diatribe meaningless.

  9. i dont think its a paid position its a volunteer  thing, wow imagine that somebody does something for the good and does not worry about money

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