
I'd like to make a practice track, but not sure where to start...?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 3km stretch of dry creek bed running though my property. I currently own a CRF150R but I'm still getting in the swing of riding it, so I'm not the greatest rider on it.

I would like to create a track which loops in and out, through trees and stuff like that in the creek.

Since I only have a little bike, where do I start? Anyone have any previous experiences with something like this?

Any other ideas for a practice track?

Thanks guys :)




  1. Great question. it all depends on how much land you have to work with. i have 2.5 acres of track to practice on,on my rmz250. i would start out by findin a company to deliver dirt to you. usually runs 75-100$ a truckload. youl need a few.....if you want to become a better well rounded rider, i would leave one straight away to practice holeshots and getting speed. then around the  turn a double,  then a tabletop, around another turn then a tripple if your ready for it. if not then try 2 doulbles kind of close together. and just make the jumps bigger or change em up when your ready to.

    ps. its easier to built jumps if you have a bobcat.


  2. start on your left butt cheek

  3. Start by just riding out a trail and when you get it all worn out the way you want it. Then go to some MX tracks and get some measurements of jumps(width,length,height,transition) and do the same on your turns.

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