
I'd like to offer myself for cyborg and/or computerized implant research. To whom would I apply?

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Yes, I know it's crazy. But I'm a pioneering spirit - be it colonizing Mars or transforming our species into something so much more complex and efficient than we are at present, I'm interested in participating. Any idea as to how?




  1. Due to ethical conflicts most scientist wont experiment with cybertechnology on a healthy person.   You may wish to apply at MIT. I know they have done some great work with artificial limbs and the control interface to the person as well as experimenting with a "tactile" sense for robotic arms

  2. You should contact a military robotics lab.  They would have the least compunction about experimenting on healthy humans.

  3. Well, you could find out what groups or individuals are doing that sort of research and contact them.  They might be able to tell you if they are doing 'tests' yet or at least point you in the direction you want to go.

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