
I'd like to put a lock on my bedroom door...?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone in the house has a lock on their door, and they don't have to worry about anyone snooping in their stuff because of it.

I'm the oldest of 2 and my sister (whose 11) wont stop going in my stuff. I'm SICK of it!!! And guess what! My parents allow it!!!!!!!!! I've wanted a lock since i was 10 and my parents are like "oh you don't need a lock" and my sister has one!

I don't go in her stuff. I don't steal her stuff. I don't go in my parents stuff either (like unless they tell me to get something lol.)

I'm rarely in their rooms. But my room is fine to just walk into without even knocking.

So I want to get a lock, and like, put the key on a chain around my neck so I never loose it.

But how do i put it on??




  1. Thats ridiculous.

    Prove your point to your parents.

    At your age, you need a lock!

    This isn't a matter of "maturity", What if your getting dressed?You are a woman and you sound responsible enough.

  2. you WILL p**s off the rents if you do this you know!

    the easiest way to do that though is to find a "entry" k**b that has the same make as the one you have now (so you don't need to change the strike plate) then it's only a matter of unscrewing one and s******g the other one in don't forget to change the striker (the part that goes in the edge of the door) it can all be done with a phillips screwdriver (i'm assuming you have one of those if not get one)

    keep in mind it's MUCH better to do this with diplomacy in mind keep the peace with the rents or they're likely to take it back off when you're not paying attn.  

  3. You don't sound old enough to do it yourself, you will need to convince your parents to have it done, or to discipline your sister.

  4. get a doorknob with a lock. unscrew the 2 screws on the old one.

    unscrew the 2 screws in the side of the door.

    put the new one in.

  5. Walk in on them having s*x, then say, "I love Sister walking in on me when I'm naked. It's just as fun as this is. Tee hee!"

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