
I'd like to set up a clinic//house for vulnerable women who have been sexually assaulted or abused of any kind

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I personally don't have counselling qualifications but can easily get that...what other qualifications would I need and where would I start to set things up? Where would I advertise? Could I get funding from the local government and sponsorship from my church or other churches?




  1. I do not know where you live, because there is already one in London, It is Chiswick Refuge for Women, started by Erin Pizzey. Started in 1982, it is now UK National Charity. Go into the Wikipedia and find Chiswick Refuge for women. there is a lot of information about this refuge, it may help you to set up your type of refuge. Good Luck

  2. you could go to college, i know that sounds stupid but it is the easiest way to get the qualifications you need. im at college at the moment because i want to be involved with such things as your talking about. so it is very helpful. you cant advertise a job like that it might be to risky for you and the victims.

  3. You would want to be highly-experienced or a professional of some sort in the field or least have a certification and/or degree in crisis counseling or something related; as far as other qualifications, you would need a business permit, whose fees would be perhaps tax deductible by the government so long as this clinic//house is not-for profit. I would go to your city hall and/or city manager to get it set up in terms of zoning, permits, and logistics (assuming you have the real estate already). Advertise in the local newspapers, on local radio, and perhaps regional newspapers until you get more capital, then you perhaps could expand to local television. You would have talk to your church and denomination leaders in order to satisfy your questions and concerns about local government and church sponsorship. Lastly pray! Hope that helps...

  4. You CANNOT advertise; their abusers would just follow them to the place you've set up for them.

  5. Good on you ! well done,hope it works out for you.

  6. I don't know the answer, I just wanted to say that's a terrific idea and to commend you! You are awesome!

  7. good luck on it :)

  8. Having "street smarts" verse's "book smarts" helps. I'm curious as to why you want to do this if you know nothing about it. I personally am bothered by the fact you said you get qualifications easily.

    But if you are truly serious I'd recommend starting with the YWCA, if you live in the US. And for gov't funding I'd recommend you hire/find someone who's specializes in obtaining grant/funding money. It's a very definite occupation.

    Try contacting local emergency rooms for the names and numbers of shelters for abused women. But be prepared to provide valid ID and possibly other documents. If a hospital ER just gives you the info without questioning your motives, you definitely don't want that ER to have your info if you ever get your place up and running. Think about it.

    So start with established shelters and go from there.

    So if I sounded negative but saying you can obtain qualifications easily, well frankly I've never heard it put that way. But maybe I'm ignorant because maybe you have all your college in and I'm just being small minded. If you are serious, good luck.


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