
I'd like to start playing guitar...

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I'm a music fiend. I go to gigs all the time and spend most of my time listening to indie pop and psychadelic rock. However, I can't play any instruments. I'm fourteen and I've wanted to learn for ages but I never really knew what to do about it. Since its summer and I've had nothing else to do, I figured now would be the time to start. Therefore:

1. What would be a good guitar to start off with?

2. How would I learn to play? I probably can't afford lessons, but I've heard most people teach themselves anyway. What are some good guides to learn how?

3. Anything else to know?

Thank you so much!




  1. First off, you're probably going to want to buy an acoustic guitar, because they're pretty easy to play once you get a hang of the chord progressions. There are many different brands, and models of acoustic guitars. Takamine is a very popular brand, and they make a high quality instrument. More than likely, the higher the standard, the higher the price. This is not always the case, though. Searching around on will probably give you some good results on acoustic, or even electric guitars.

    Secondly, if you have access to the internet at all, you'll be able to learn guitar no problem. The best piece of advice I've ever gotten on how to use my practice time, is to learn and practice what you personally want to hear.  So if you learn how to read tabs, which is really easy, you can pretty much search your favorite songs (depending on popularity, you said yourself you listen to a lot of indie, and local bands) on a tab website such as and find tabs for it easily. Also using your practice time wisely is a key aspect. You can spend an entire day doing nothing but playing guitar, but if all you're doing is sitting around shredding all over the place, and you're mind is in a different place, progress won't come your way.

    If you spend your time around people who play guitar, you'll learn. Nobody really teaches themselves how to play the guitar. I personally have never had a formal lesson in my life, but I pick up on techniques, and different styles from other people, and build off of them. All you have to do is pick up that guitar, and not be too embarrassed to as "Hey, how did you do that?" or "Can you slow that down for me?", because if you do it like that, you'll get stuck and won't make much progress.

  2. 1: its better to start off with an acoustic guitar, either the ones with nylon strings or the classic ones. the ones with nylon strings are softer and the classic ones, when u start playing them? they'll kinda hurt. but ull get used to it after some time. i started with a classical guitar.

    2: its better to learn from someone who knows already, maybe ask a friend to teach you. guitar lessons arent so expensive also. u can teach yourself through reading or even through the internet. youtube is helpful.

    3: you wont learn anything all at once, so be patient when ur learning. i started off when i was about 8, and i ddnt have the passion for it then so  i found it kind of boring and stopped.. i continued when i was 11 cz that time i really really wanted to learn, so i learnt it in about 2 14 now by the way.. i started off with a classic guitar, and then moved on to an electric.. my mum got my bro an electric, and got me a bass.. i had no idea how to play a bass.. i asked a friend to teach me, and i learned the basics in about a week. :)

    **its really up to you if u have the passion for it, ull learn quickly..

  3. First, choose a guitar that will last and that's affordable, either electric or acoustic, whichever you prefer. Second, if you can't afford lessons then start off with a good chord book(learn your chords before you start playing lead). Third, if you have friends that play ask them to show you pieces that you're interested in. More than likely they'll get you off on the right foot and on your way to playing all the tunes that you love. Fourth, listen, listen, listen. The more you hear the more you'll be able to copy until you find your style of music that you'll love to play.  

  4. At this stage, stick to acoustic, it probably doesn't matter too much what brand as long as you buy it at a decent music store and not wal-mart or something.

    I've never taken lessons either and i think i might be able to help. My best piece of advise is to begin with something your interested in don't bore yourself by cramming chords into your head, unless of course that's what you like, but just try to keep interested.

    It might sound a bit cliche but practice is all their is to it. You hear a song at one of these gigs you like, try and fret it out even if it's a simpler version than originally played every little bit helps.

    Good luck!

  5. Ive been playing guitar for around 8 years now. Im 16 now started when I was 8.

    I advise starting on a classical guitar/ spanish as from my experience they are quite cheap and are great for learning how to use your fingers instead of picks, this will help you a lot later on when you might decide to take up the acoustic and electric guitar.

    You can pick up a cheap clasical guitar for around £40, and a good chord sheet or starter books such as a famous series known as the guitarists way for as little as £3-5.

    These books cover essential guitar techniques and I advise using them, these are the books I learnt on for my first 3 years.

  6. 1] Acustic.

    2] Buy a cord chart, a music book, and start off from that.

    3] Buy picks, because it'll cut your fingers.

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