
I'd like you to describe.......

by Guest31697  |  earlier

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your perfect day. What would it be like? ...or perhaps you feel it's already happened?




  1. If I could wake up and feel totally at peace with myself and the people surrounding my life felt the same way, then it wouldn't matter what happened in the day it would be perfect to me.  

  2. My perfect day would be to wake up in a world where there is no knife crime, no gun crime, no violent gang culture that seems to be taking over communities all over the world.

    A world in which street parties could still occur, where neighbourhoods come together instead of fall apart, without the dangers.

    A world in which it's totally safe for girls to walk home from a friend's alone at night, without the fear of someone lurking ready to attack them.

    A world in which prices of everything isn't increasing - which is making people work harder.

    All this, having just won the lottery, eating chicken korma, and watching Dirty Dancing with my girlfriend.

  3. won the lottery

  4. My perfect day would be when i was 9.

    I would go back and make it perfect.

    Id wake up, not have anything to be scared of.

    Go and skate in the bank parking lot with my brothers.

    Not only would that creep not walk down the street, he wouldnt have called my brother over to speak.

    I wish iw ouldnt have like N'sync and not have been joyed about the fact that that creep had a cd.

    My perfect day would haev been not being molested!

    It would have changed everything.

    But theres not turning back.

    I guess perfection doesnt exist.

  5. My Perfect Day Would Be. I wake up and my perfect dreams thoughts memories have come true. Then i shall live my life embracing my dreams and devoting myself to everything.

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