
I'd quite like to be King (of England) - any ideas?

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A coup would be difficult given all the soldiers and police knocking about Buckingham palace, but we could try...

Its pretty much my dream job.




  1. You can't be serious.There is no chance for you.

    Besides,you really wouldn't like the job.It's sheer slog.Lots of paper work.Parliament arguing all the time,leaving you sitting there,twiddling your thumbs...

  2. I'm not sure that they're looking for applicants right now. There's a notice board at Buckingham Palace that should tell you when they have a vacancy.

  3. Buy a nuke from russia and nuke them at the next family get together.

  4. good luck :) x

  5. Coup.

  6. no chance

  7. You could maybe push yourself out of the queen's f***y?

  8. Im German & we dont have royals. we have a royal family but they aren't active like they are in Britain.  

  9. Sorry to spoil your dream job, but like Barney in The Simpsons wanting to be Ambassador to Prussia, the job does not exist any longer, if you are monarch of England, we tend to throw in Wales, Scotland and Northern Island, therefore making The United Kingdom.


  10. Well, my dream job is to be queen of england (but its mainly cus i want the scepter they keep in the tower of london!) so iv got my plans... However, as there's the slight chance Im not gonna make it (as in fairness, im not even British lol) il give you a tip: wait till William and Kate have a daughter. Then wait she's 18 or something. During this time study techniques to become the most charming and irresistible man on Earth. Then you find a way to meet the princess (in all these years you should have enough time to plot something!) and you woo her and then marry her! Et voila', you are the husband of the queen! (which is a bit like being the king, isnt it?) (dont be too greedy!)

    If u succeed Im expecting an invitation for tea at the Bucks House, alright?

  11. Well as you just want England perhaps Northern Ireland Wales and Scotland will help you if you offer them Independence.

  12. Sorry to disappoint you but England has not had a King or indeed a Queen for 405 years ! You are somewhat late in thinking about it !!  

  13. Lol, check your family lineage wayyyyyyy back and see if you are related to some far distant king of the past! Not sure what to do after that, but that would be a good first step!

  14. Sorry but you do not have a cat in h**l's chance.

  15. but who would be your Queen?

  16. Well, you'd have to apply, and there is a pretty long waiting list, i wouldn't hold your breath!!!!

  17. Good luck with that. Your pretty much screwed unless you can show genetic ancestry or prove than you are 2nd in line to the throne!

  18. And I would lilike to be the mistress of Bill Gates.

    I think we each have two chances:  slim and none.

  19. and i'm dating Camilla Parker Bowles Son

  20. you will have to raise an army defeat the british army wipe out the royal fam and over through the entire govt and proclaim yourself king... yeah keep dreaming.  

  21. Try marrying one of your close relatives that is pretty much an essential. You should also change your name and nationality and become German.

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