
I'd rather ignore than explicitly reject a person?

by Guest58712  |  earlier

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because you never know when you'll need them in the near or distant future?

What's wrong with this? Many people hold on to rejection and grow resentful...




  1. Neither is good....ignoring someone makes them go away.

  2. I think you need to be honest with them! you can let them down softly though.

  3. For the love of God do not ignore them. It pisses me off more when someone ignores me or lies to me instead of telling me the truth. I like constructive criticism so I can improve on myself. I would rather hear it straight up than just keep searching for answers or trying to get someone to talk to me.

    And do you realize how much of a bit ch move it is to ignore someone until you need something from them in the future?! That's basically saying okay I have no interest in you, but I'm really selfish and need a favor from you even though I haven't talked to you in years. What an awful thing to do...

  4. So you would rather ignore them than reject them just in case you need to use them in the near future, how thoughtfull of you....theres nothing wrong with that, nothing at all.

  5. Ignoring them is rejection. You just want to use them.

  6. Many people consider being ignored being rejected.  Some people think it's worse actually - since they don't know what they did wrong.  How can they improve if you don't give them feedback?  I'm not saying you have to be friends with them but you can tell them why you are rejecting them.

  7. What's your sign?

    EDIT: I was just wondering, since some signs are more prone to doing that than others.  Water signs are known for that.

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