
I'll ask simply...?

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If you were 24, single, owned your car, lived at home, had no debt and $150,000, didnt like your career choice and your job. What would you do?

I feel like quitting my job, getting myself into shape, enjoy my summer, learn something new and find a new career path and choice. Would that be stupid? I wanna know what people would do, it really interests me.




  1. Definitely look into doing what you love, it will make you a happier man than you are now, stuck doing the job that you dislike.

    Also, consider traveling for a part of the summer - it widens your horizons...

  2. Well i think thats obvious, id take prillixou on a nice long vacation, hint hint

  3. I would invest my money..I would turn $150,000 into 300,000$. Find a way to invest it in a good business oppurtunity. You could buy a cheap house, fix it up, and flip your money in about 6 months.

  4. Single, 24, and plenty of cash?

    First of all, I'd lock that money up very, very tightly and not touch it.

    Second, I'd move out and get myself into the very best university I possibly could, and study my brains out. I'd work as much as I could, and get some low-interest loans and scholarships to carry the rest.

    Third, I'd use about a quarter of that precious seed money I set aside to get myself started in my new career.

    Fourth, I'd pack the remainder of that seed money into a variety of retirement instruments.

    Fifth, I'd become brilliant in my career, meet a wonderful mate, and start a family.


  5. well i think you should... i mean if you have 150,000$ to keep you afloat for a while, why not... obviously you need to try somethingdifferent because your not happy where your at. do what you gotta do to be happy. good luck!

  6. Hm mm, well make sure you have a good backbone to do it. you need to have enough money, enough education, enough drive. you need to make sure that whatever scenario happens, it will all turn out well.

  7. If you have enough money to pay your bills etc (which looks like you do!) then just enjoy yourself for the summer.. find a new passion, and have a great time. I think its a great idea. Go for it, cuz you only live once, and your only young once!

  8. get a further education its always a great investment

  9. If I were your Ma, I'd boot your butt out the door. You're 24, gainfully employed, and have cash in the bank. Why are you living at home??? Here's an adventure for you - GET YOUR OWN PLACE!!!

  10. i would go somewhere overseas for the summer like italy and just enjoy life...get down to the nuts and bolts of your innerself and find out what it is that is your lifes work....i myself just quit my job on a whim and i already feel better....sure you have the throw-up moment of OMG i dont have a job but it passes and now i have an interview at a better place in a better position...that just solidifies the fact that i trusted my instincts and did what my heart told me
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