
I'll ask this again: How are cats micro chipped?

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I REALLY need to know how cats are micro chipped. I know what it does and what it is, I just need to know how it's done!!!!!!!!!




  1. To microchip your pet, a veterinarian injects a tiny chip about the size of a grain of rice just under your pet's skin between the shoulder blades. Injection means a needle. No worse than getting a shot.

  2. GP and the 2nd one answered this just perfectly

  3. a special syringe with a special needle on it.  you inject it under the skin of the cat.  I have done this numerous times.

  4. I had my kitty microchipped. They gave her a big needle on her back. She didn't cry or anything it took just a moment.

  5. The vet inserts it between the cats shoulder blades.  To find a vet near you that does it put your zip code in here (copy this link and then put it into your browser if you cannot click on it.)

  6. the micro chip is a small electronic chip inserted in the back of the neck just as the ones for dogs ..if a scanner is passed over the chip a unique number will appear on the screen of the scanner telling you that the number is registered to your pet ..your address and your name if the isn't dangerous or harmful to the cat or dog..just like having an injection..

  7. The microchip itself is in a unit that consists of a chamber to hold the chip, and a hollow needle.  There is an inserter like a trigger that is put into the unit, and then the needle is pushed into the scruff of the cat's neck.  The trigger is squeezed, and the chip goes through the needle under the cat's skin.  They actually don't seem to feel it very much, they squirm much more when they get a vaccine injection!

    All of our rescue's cats are microchipped, and I have only ever had one who gave the vet a bad time through it.  

  8. Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice. A vet tech uses a large bore needle to implant the chip under the skin of the animal - right between the shoulder blades. It is a quick and fairly painless procedure. Since the needle is bigger than one for vaccinations, some animals may yelp when it's inserted.

    Once the microchip is implanted, if the animal is ever lost and finds itself at an animal shelter or a vet's office they can scan it for a microchip. They have a hand held scanner like the stockers at the grocery store have. They run it over the animal, it picks up the microchip, and the chip number is flashed on the screen. The shelter contacts the microchip company and gives them the number. They enter it into the computer and give the shelter the owner's name address and phone number. They contact the owner and the pet is returned to them.

    Microchips are much safer than tattoos for identifying a pet. They can also come into play if there is a legal battle over the rightful owner of an animal. But microchips only work if the owner registers the number with the company and keeps the information updated when they move.

    Sometimes microchips are known to migrate within an animal's body. They sometimes slip down into the shoulder area. So the shelter needs to scan the animal's entire body. Some just scan between the shoulder blades and that's it. So it's a good idea to periodically take your pet to the vet or shelter and ask them to scan your pet to make sure the chip is still in its place. If it has moved, you need to make a note of it. That way if your animal is lost and you contact the shelter to report it lost, you can tell them the chip has migrated and they need to scan the whole animal if one comes in matching the description of your animal.

  9. chip inserted into a needle....needle goes into cat....chip is released under the skin.  Just like you getting a shot!

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