
I'll be 22 in November and my dad just had the nerve to question if I was his. Is she handling this well?

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My parents have been married for 30+ years. Just because "my teeth are really straight" and I was "born with grey eyes" (even though my sister's were blue and now we both have eyes the same shade of brown) my dad questioned my mom and older sis. My mom has never cheated on him, even stuck by him through 12 years of prison (i was 6 when he left) and a son on the side thats a year older than me. She's considering divorce because she feels his suggests she's a tramp and a cheat. He won't apologize, says she better get over it and doesn't get why she is ignoring him until he does. She asked me to ask your opinion on the matter?




  1. Your mother has put up with 30+ years of c**p from your dad, so he's feeling pretty secure in the knowledge that she'll put up with this latest insult too.  

  2. Tell her my opinion is to kick his sorry butt out!!  What a jacka$$.  After what she put up with, she does not deserve this at all.  Normally I'm for trying every avenue before ending a marriage.  Not this time.

    Good luck to you, your mom and brother!!

  3. He's mentally abusing her. If she wants to put up with that, then that's her choice. About the whole you not being his then prove with a blood test that your his and then you and your mom can shove it in his face.

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