My family is supportive. It was a shock to them at first, but now they are all happy for me. The daddy took off when he found out I was pregnant. I have been visiting with my parents and younger sibs for the past month, and will be here through the birth of the baby and the first few months. I have a job lined up for when I can work again, and instead of daycare, my mom and 16/18 yo sisters have agreed to babysit. But to tell you the truth, i am scared shitless about becoming a mom. Especially a single mom. It's a girl, and that scares me even more because I know how much trouble I was for my mom after my dad left us, and then continued to be with my step-father. Looking back, my mother was the strongest person I know, but I can't see myself as ever being able to be the kind of mom/person she was. I just don't measure up. It was plain carelessness that got me pregnant to begin with.
Are these feelings normal, has anyone been through this? Do you have advice?