
I'll be getting my teaching credentials in a few months- should I be panicking about finding a teaching job?

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I heard that teachers are/will be having a hard time finding a job, because of the economy and whatnot. Should I be seriously worrying about this, since I plan on being an elementary school teacher soon? (I live in California, by the way.)





  1. Come over to australia, we are sooo desperate for teachers we are throwing money at them!!

  2. If you speak espanol then you should not worry.  I have a girlfriend in SB county,  who teaches at a priv. school (she has mstr. in education) no way will she ever afford a home or family there.  Median house is like $550,000.  

    If you really want that teaching job, make yourself open to traveling w/in the US.  

    In CA you don't really have "real experience teaching" so that sets you up for less pay or part-time only work.  Do you want to bar tend on the side???

    Be willing to teach other parts of this great country.  And maybe buy a hse. that will pay you back eventually!!!  Thanks for being there for the kids!!!

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