
I'll be visiting KL on business, can i wear open sandals/shoes? what about toe nail polish?

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In particular I'm wondering if it will be considered "appropriate business attire". I work in a very senior level position dealing with government and NGO's.




  1. SInce you are working with on a senior level position and that you will be dealing with the government, to show your respect to our government its best you dress to represent your Professionalism. Open sandals is considered appropriate but if it goes well with the attire you intended while toe polish is not an issue in fact it shows you care about your personal hygiene and neat.

  2. You may, if you want to, but you will not be respected.  

    "Appropriate business attire" for a business lady -  suite or jacket (not leather) with neck scarf and skirt, just above knee, closed shoe, i.e. toes not showing, short/medium heel....with lady brief case,,,,light makeup, and don't forget the perfume (NOT deodorent ! )......such is locally know as "super lady" attire.... you get looks and attention immediately !

    (for non-muslim only...if muslim, wear appropriately...)

  3. wear business attire and proper shoe. open shoe is allow

  4. If you think it's fine just do it. But some people might not especially when you keep going around the government buildings and office.

  5. sure...u can even wear thong slipper or stilettos.

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