
I'll go to Italy in June. My friend says Italian men are very handsome and romantic. Is that true ?

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My female friend went to Italy last year. She said many handsome Italian men flirted with her in Italy. Some Italian men said " Ti Amo ( I love you ) " to her. Some sang romantic songs in front of her and asked her to marry them. My female friend's legs got very weak when she saw those handsome Italian men . She was very excited. She even french-kissed and hugged some of those Italian guys.

Why do many Italian men so handsome and romantic ? They are attractive because they are brought up by the food in Italy ? Also the Italian environment contributes to that ?They learnt the eromantic things at school ?

I'm really interested to know




  1. Italian men are the best!!

  2. Yes, many Italian men are very attractive.  It's very common for an Italian man to's a fun experience.  But if they flirt with one, they flirt with all.

  3. No, we're not romantic at all... it's just appearance, a lot of lies to cover our age-old hunger for s*x, produced by centuries of sexual repression. That's all.

    So, don't believe a word of what Italian men say, thery're just courting your favour.

    Trust only on their appearance, if they're handsome or not... it's the only thing you can be sure

  4. I'm italian and it's not true at all.... there are few romantic people here in italy... handsome yes but not very romantic... it's strange... because we also think that foreign people are more romantic than here in italy ... bye... ciao!

  5. They used to but a specific etnic race is emerging.

  6. i find this to be true of all men every where

    i am an equal opportunity type of gal

  7. How old are you pinkie?

  8. Hansome men yes. Romantic, NO. Flirty for sure. But don't believe anything they say. They just like to mess with foreign women... and they are unreliable, irresponsible and like to cheat when they are in a relationship. Now I'm not saying they are ALL like that, and I have some very good friends in Italy, but those that behave like that with tourists... forget about them!

  9. Yes, most of the Italian men are handsome and romantic. They're God's gifts to all women on earth. They all know how to treat a woman, they dress so well, they appreciate female beauty more than any other man on earth. They are so irresistible!

  10. *sigh* this is not true but just a generalisation. a sterotype. Obviously there are bound to be quite a few ugly,obnoxius rude men. it is like saying 'all Americans have fatty diets and are slobs'

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