
I'll never afford a Notting Hill Flat Matey so why all the hot fuss about working me self into an early grave?

by  |  earlier

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If I can't have what the "Man" has then why in the name of England would I knock me self out chasings crumbs and pennies to feed the machine that keeps those that got, get more!?!




  1. what?

  2. I sort of think I agree, if I understand you correctly, sort of....

  3. You are right you won't becau7se YOU SAY you won't

  4. Another Lottery dreamer.

  5. Have you ever heard the saying "Never say never,"Have a hope,dream a dream.It may come true.Read abook learn a bit of grammer and take a giant leap from the 19th century into the 21st.

  6. You must be more positive.

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