
I'm 10 am I too young to wear.. ?

by  |  earlier

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A lil' dark blue eyeshadow and "L'oreal Bare Natrule Mascara" ?




  1. yes, it's WAY too young. unless you want to be known as the wannabe mini-sl*t i don't advise it

  2. YES!!

    I didn't even want to wear make up when I was 10, what is wrong with kids these days?!

    & yes, your TOO YOUNG to be on Y!A, it don't matter how mature you are, the age limit is for your own protection, your 10 years old dammit...


  3. YES!!! WAY TO YOUNG!!! Why are you even on the internet posting questions here???? You're 10 for Christs sake !!! Stop trying to grow up so fast!

  4. 10!! omg yess waay too young (to be on answers) if you HAVE to wear makeup, wear a LITTLE bit of mascara and lip gloss. gosh will your school even alow you to wear makeup? at my school i got in trouble for wearing lipgloss!

  5. thats a little least wait until you're 12.

  6. yes, you are.

  7. Its honestly your parents decision as to whether or not you can wear makeup at your age.  I'd say its alright to wear makeup at your age as long as its a nice, natural look.  Nothing too bizzarre!!  :D

    The most important thing about make up is to wash it off.  Never forget!

    Have fun, don't forget to ask your parents first!

    Good luck!  

  8. omg yessss!!!!! u r wayyyy to young to wear makeup. just be a kid!! an 10 year old should never wear makeup. im 14 and all i wear is mascara!!!!!! i cant believe that your parents would let you do that. my parents let me start wearing makeup when i was 13!!!!!

    what is wrong with kids these days?????

  9. You're very young for makeup, but it's okay to experiment with it.

  10. You're young, don't worry about makeup and looking pretty at all.

  11. 10 is a little too young for makeup

    Just have fun

    and don't worry about looks!

    If you're going to wear any makeup at all,

    just put on some lipgloss

  12. Way too young. You should be having fun outside instead of worrying about make up. You will have LOTS of time for this. Right now enjoy being a child.  

  13. yeah youre too young. i can show you the link where it says this site is for 13 and over. but anywayy

    about your makeup yeah dark blue is horrible to wear especially that young because it can make it realyl dramatic you shouldnt wear that color unless youre real good with makeup. and you dont need mascara!


    See where it says "Protecting personal information: Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to ask or answer questions on Yahoo! Answers. "

  14. light eyeshadow&&lip gloss is enough for your age.

  15. uh yeah!!! ur 10 have fun and be kid and you can worry bout looks when ur me!

  16. thats not a lot at all

    atleast it isnt heavy like a racoon or anything

    but for your age,

    some of the mascara you use and some lip gloss is just enough

  17. yes you are to young to wear makeup or even thinking of it .....

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