
I'm 10 pregnant weeks pregnant i throw up very often everything i eat comes back and my tummy gets very sore.

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I neep help its my first baby is something wrong with the baby this just happened like 10 min ago i'm scared....




  1. this is usual at the beginning of a pregnancy, but any worries go and see your doctor, your better being save than sorry.  I got sickness right up till 5 months it was like a constant hangover, not all great having a baby unfort

  2. morning sickness...normal.  keep hydrated.

  3. Welcome to pregnancy, my dear.  If you are throwing up everything you eat and this happens for more than a day or two, contact your doctor.  You run the risk of dehydration and that can be dangerous during pregnancy.  However, the normal nausea and vomiting that most women experience at this stage will not cause harm.  My stomach hurts a lot too if I have to vomit.  It's not very pleasant.

  4. wow how old are you? Its morning sickness. check out and google pregnancy week by week. It will help reassure you of the symptoms and warning signs of serious issues.

  5. Eat bananas, I heard that they help...also drink water. Eat small meals and then go for fresh air and a walk.

  6. No, you have morning sickness that's all.  Your stomach hurts because of your muscles used when you threw up.  Try sucking on some lemonhead candies and buy some of those Preggie Pops to help with the nausea.  Also, tell your doc they can give you something to help with the nausea.

  7. I was sick like this the entire first trimester of my first pregnancy.  This is a normal pregnancy symptom, experienced by about half of all pregnant women.  Put a sleeve of crackers on your nightstand before you go to bed.  First thing in the morning, before you even sit up, eat about 5-6 crackers.  Then you need to eat small snacks all throughout the day.  Figure out your triggers- stuffy cabinets, raw or cooking meat, the smell of dog food, whatever- and stay away.  Drink lots of water throughout the day, and if you feel dehydrated you can always drink Gatorade or Pedialyte.  Sometimes you will keep throwing up because you're dehydrated.  Just make sure to keep eating.  Take your prenatals at night, or whenever you feel the most settled.

    Just try to keep yourself hydrated and your stomach at least a little full throughout the day.  After a while, you're body will respond and stop throwing up.  My second pregnancy was a lot easier because of this.

    EDIT:  Also, those little peppermint candies help too!!

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