
I'm 11 weeks pregnant and just curious?

by  |  earlier

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does any one eles get period feelings when its meant to be the time of the month, i had it last month dull ache like periods comeing and backache when i looked at the calender it was meant to be when i was getting my period, and today i have the same thing and its when my period is due again




  1. Thats very common actually, your body still has PMS symptoms durring pregnancy..thats why you hear pregnant women say "oh my back hurts" or "god i have a headache" and also a reason that there labido is out of whack while pregnant. Just be calm your normal lol. Dont worrie we all panic the first time around :) Good Luck and Happy parenting!!

  2. yes very normal ..i did the same thing

  3. Yea it happens all the time its normal your body is jus adjusting to the change your going through

  4. I did with my first I kept feeling like i was going to start and never did then through out the pregnancy i did some they say its your body getting adjusted and growing its normal.

  5. Yeah. Apparently it's pretty common

  6. I did with my first. Seems even pregnancy can't rid us of the horrible symptoms of our monthlies! I tell you something, I don't care what any man says, we women don't half have to cope with a lot of stick, don't we?

        I got in an argument with a man who said that passing a kidney stone (that had been ultra sounded into smaller pieces) was more painful than giving birth! I asked him how he would feel, pushing a melon from a hole the size if an egg? & he answered a piece of p*ss!!! Well, i'd had a few, & this ignoramus (or should I say ignor-a**s!) was for real, I very nearly smacked him one! lol. I didn't though & resigned myself to the knowledge that should a man ever take over the arduous duty of carrying & giving birth to our babies, the human race would die out rapidly! I too have gone through the same trauma 3 times, & although I remember it being highly painful, I can't remember the pain! Strange but true. We mothers are wonder women, if only our men could truly appreciate just how wonderful we are.

  7. I didn't.  I found out I was pregnant in May 2007, had my baby January 16, 2008, and now to this day I have still not gotten a period (cause I'm still breastfeeding)  I haven't felt like I was getting one, no cramps nothing, ahhh it's been so nice :)  

    You do however bleed for roughly 4 weeks after giving birth, but it's not a regular period, and you have to use pads, tampons are not allowed.

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