
I'm 11 weeks pregnant and need some reassurrance?

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I had a missed miscarriage with my first pregnancy so I'm nervous this time and worried I'm not still pregnant. It seems like it's taking forever for time to pass. Anyway, I feel nauseous and my b*****s hurt, so that's good. I have not had any bleeding - but I didn't last time either. I saw the baby and heart beat a week ago.

1. I'm not showing at all yet. Is this normal?

2. I've had mild cramping, which I'm told is normal. Last night the cramps almost had me in tears. I had pelvic period like cramping and shooting pais throughout my pelvic and lower abdomen. I'm sure at 11 weeks there's a lot going on in there though. But it had me pretty scared. Does this sound normal?

3. Over the last couple days...I was driving and I got to this reall bad road full of DEEP potholes and had to continue. It felt like I was off-roading.. I have a hard time not sleeping on my stomach, I've graduated to mostly side-stomach. I was sitting on a couch and a hefty 3 year old was trying to get a balloon and jumped on me. I put my arms out quick enough to give a decent amount of protection to my front area. Could that have hurt the baby?

I have 2 more weeks until I see my doctor again and I could possibly go crazy before then :0) I just keep myself busy to distract myself or sleep.




  1. Congratulations!

    After you hear the hearbeat the chances are very good 96 percent that you will deliver a live baby.

    Yes it is normal not to be showing at this stage.  The embryo is still very low in the pelvis.

    The cramping a lot of times is round ligaments stretching to support the pregnancy.  Very normal.

    Your pregnancy is pretty protected at this point.  No the rowdy 3 year old did not do any damage.  Try to get in the habit of not sleeping on the stomach, you won't be able to much longer.  Good luck.

  2. 1. Yes. I wasn't really showing either.

    This is me at 11 weeks.

    This is me 1 week ago at 23 weeks

    2. Mild cramping is normal. Now they shouldn't usually have you in tears. However, I have gotten pains some times that have worried me and had me on the ground (usually from gas actually). I usually call my doctor if I get really worried - if not for anything else but reassurance.

    3. I doubt any of that can. A few times my dog has jumped on my tummy and all my son has done is kick the dog back - lol.

    Good luck! You are almost at the second trimester.

  3. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  4. 1- I didn't show until I was 5 months pregnant, so don't worry about that. Your doctor will tell you if your weight gain is insufficiant.

    2- Cramping is normal, as long as it does not come with bleeding or ressembles contractions (comes in waves, regular, etc). Cramping is just a sign your uterus is stretching, making place for that little bundle of joy.

    3- Feeling dizzy is normal. Right now sleeping on your stomach probably won't hurt your little one as he is so small and protected by amniotic fluids. And as for the 3yrs old jumping, if he had hurt the child you probably would have known right away.

    You should still discuss all those concerns with your doctor, but try to relax. Stress is the worst thing --way worst then sleeping on tummy or playing with a toddler ;)

    Take care of yourself and I wish you the best of luck hun

    oh... and congrats!

  5. Whoa!  Calm down, momma.  Regardless of what you see on tv, being jarred by potholes or mauled by a toddler isn't enough to cause a miscarriage.  My large, rambunctious toddler climbed all over me while I was pregnant with my 2nd and nothing came of it.  I know you're a little nervous because of your previous miscarriage, but you're not made of glass.  Besides, you're almost out of the 1st trimester, which is the highest risk for miscarriage.

    It's completely normal not to show until you're 4 or 5 months pregnant, especially if this is your first pregnancy.  

    The shooting pains your describing are most likely round ligament pains.  There are ligaments that hold your uterus in place and they can sometimes be pulled in a painful way as your uterus grows during pregnancy.  If the cramping is bad to the point that it's interfering with your daily life, you need to speak to your doctor about it.  But it's normal to be uncomfortable during the first trimester as your uterus undergoes some major changes.

    You can still sleep on your stomach until you get a visible bump.  By then, sleeping on your stomach will be pretty uncomfortable anyway.  Try getting a body pillow to prop yourself against so that you can't roll onto your stomach.  That should help you to get into the habit of side-sleeping.

    The worst thing you're doing right now is stressing like this.  Relax and enjoy your pregnancy.  It's a special time in your life and you want to have good memories of this experience.  Worrying won't help anything.  Just follow your doctor's orders to the letter and try to be positive.

    Best of luck to you!

  6. hun you sound just like me i have 2 kids and had a miscarriage in april and a chemical pregnancy in june and I'm now 9 weeks pregnant and have seen my bubs twice on ultrasound but i still keep thinking some thing is wrong ,

    Any women who tells you its not normal is wrong its very normal to be worried and i know until i hold bubs in my arms i will not stop worrying  

  7. 1) very normal. It depends on your size how soon you will show.  A size 0 will show a lot sooner than a size 12.  I did not show with my 3rd child until 6 months.

    2) cramping can be normal with all the hormonal changes & the position of the baby. Stress will make it worse.  Stop worrying you are doing fine.

    3) In my 1st pregnancy I was kicked in the abdomen by a horse & my son is a college grad.  Your baby is protected much better in there than you think especially at 11 weeks.  My guess is you are scared & letting it worry you. Relax. Stress will wear you out!

  8. It all sounds pretty normal to me, but if its bothering you to the point you cant think of anything else, call your doctor and see what he/she thinks!

  9. 1. I am starting to show at 12 weeks and 5 days. Just starting. Also my first pregnancy.

    2. I haven't had crying cramps, but crying from other symptoms such as headaches. For that I would call the doctor.

    3. I don't think any of those things could hurt the baby.

    I see my doctor today and i like you love the reassurance. And during the first 12 weeks needed it, but now I've calmed down a bit and just let things happen and I'm sure everything will be fine. I have struggled with morning sickness and headaches and not gaining any weight.

  10. Very normal

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