
I'm 12 and how do I make some money?

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I don't get allowance and I don't know anyone who has kids I could babysit(i have 3 younger siblings so I'm descent with kids). We live by the beach in California so there is really no lawn to mow, no leaves to rake blah blah blah...




  1. Just concentrate on your school work.


    if you're still really desperate for a bit of cash, you could:

    1. make hand-made jewellery using beads, and try to sell those at school

    2. bake and sell cakes to your local elderly residents, or just locally at community centre functions, etc

    3. design funky t-shirts and sell those at school or locally

  2. Do NOT click on that link the person answered with. He posted it in one of my questions, it is malware and a virus. I though I would warn you. (the answers-video link)

  3. I used to walk ppls dogs... I went around my neighborhood and put flyers in everyone's mailboxes... you'd be surprised how many ppl will pay you to walk their dog... also I would take care of ppls dogs when they went away instead of sending the dog to the kennel... you could also see if ppl need any help around their house like cleaning, washing their windows, raking the beaches (apparently ppl rake their beaches to keep the sand nice.. so you could try that instead of mowing lawns)

  4. My daughter is making hair ties with ribbons and selling them at craft fairs. she make good moeny each weekend.

    She might expand to other crafty things. she is jut 10.

  5. walk dogs, wash cars, paper route?, ask your mom to do chores around the house for an allowance, maybe if your parents make good money ask to see if you can get like 10$ an A on your report card or something.......wait till your older why do you need money at 12 =] lol

  6. It's great that you're so enterprising. :)

    People here have given some really good suggestions (though I don't think taking surveys online is a good way to make money, and I'm not even sure you can do it without being 18).

    Look around for needs and problems. Once you've found a problem, you'll have an opportunity to find a way to offer something of value. If you're offering something of value, people will be willing to pay you for it.

    Be cautious about going into strangers' houses though. Trust your instincts.

  7. Do you have to already know someone in order to babysit?   Think about how you might get babysitting jobs without knowing them first...if you can't figure that out for yourself then you aren't ready to work!

    Walk dogs, housecleaning, extra chores for your parents.

    or...just wait until you are 15 or 16 and get a job at a fast food restaurant or something....12 year olds have no real need for money!

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