
I'm 12 and i want contacts (Please click thiss)?

by  |  earlier

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I wear glasses right now, and i just got my classes for school. I found out i have alot of classes with this boy i like and i don't want to wear glasses in front of him. How can i convince my mom to let me get contacts? I've talked to her about it before but she said i should be older and that the doctor has to say i can.




  1. i got mine at like 11. you can see so much better with them  

  2. Hi,

  3. i got contacts when i was 12- there really isnt an age limit! you just have to prove to your mom that you're old enough & responsible enough. dont worry- contacts are a breeze and you'd really like them :)

    hope this helped!

  4. There is no age restriction for contacts!! Tell ur mom that u feel ur responsible enuff to start wearing contacts. b like mom i know its a big responsibility and im up for it. and the doctor is gonna tell u its fine. jus get a contacts exam. try acuvue oasys!!

  5. If you are responsible enough and you take care of them, then it should be no problem. Good luck. Answer my q, though please.

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