
I'm 12 weeks pregnant and I just found out....... PLEASE ANSWER?

by Guest63892  |  earlier

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I just found out I'm preg. I drink about 4 or 5 diet cokes a day plus a mocha. I know caffiene is bad. Will my baby be ok? Is there anything i can do? How much can i drink now? Help:):)




  1. drink another one to celebrate

  2. I didnt know til 11 weeks either, went snow skiing, ate ricotta, and plenty of coca cola, but please, dont stress, that is the worst thing you can do.

    Now you know, switch to decaf and try and cut down on the soda.

    You will be amazed at how willingly you will drink your water now!!

    When you go to the dr or midwife let them know your fear, but you will be surprised what your feotus can take.My sister in law didnt know and went on her honeymoon so you could imagine how much celebrating was done, and my nephew is perfect!!

    Good luck

  3. Do not be so scared it will be o.k. as many women experience such problems and they discover that they are pregnant. In addition, caffeine is not that harmful to babies, the types of the most harmful include but are not limited to exposure to radiations in early pregnancy like x-rays, ingesting some medications that are so harmful and produce congenital anomalies and so on, so don't worry and try not to drink any more.

  4. omg i love when people answer who obviously have never been pregnant my OB told me a cup a day of a caff beverage is fine

  5. nothing at all

    o ly WATER

  6. When I was pregnant with my twins, I drank a whole LOT of Mt. Dew. I asked my doc if this was ok, and he said yes. He said he knew people who drank 10 cups of coffee a day and it didn't have any effect. I'm one who needs her caffeine, so when he told me it was fine, I didn't cut down on it, except later in pregnancy when it gave me heart burn at night (milk is great to help with that by the way). My girls are now 7 months old and they're just fine.

    You will hear a lot of different things on the subject of drinking caffeine during pregnancy. In my opinion, you should do what you feel is best. If you feel comfortable drinking, go ahead, but if you don't, then don't.

  7. I wouldn't worry about what you have already done, but lay off the diet cokes.  A little caffeine won't hurt, but that is too much plus it is also not good to drink a lot of artificial sweetener when you are pregnant.  I'm sure your baby will be ok though if you stop now that you know.

  8. Your baby will be fine, only i drunk when i was pregnant was coke and my babies were fine .

    Congrat's and Good luck!!!

  9. It's water under the bridge now, so don't stress about what you can't change.  From here on out, cut back or eliminate the diet soda's.  People have done far worse things than have a few soda's during pregnancy.  You'll be fine!!  Good luck and congrats!

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