
I'm 12 weeks pregnant and I took Pepto Bismal and I'm freaking out?

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I am 12 weeks pregnant and had some painful abdominal cramping after a night of diarrhea. I called my dr's office to find out if I could take Pepto Bismal but unfortunately it was a Saturday and the on-call doctor told me that my pain and my question was not "urgent" and to call the dr's office on Monday. I figured if it wasn't urgent, then it must be okay to take some Pepto otherwise he could have just said no. The directions said to take 2 tablets every 1/2 hour to hour. I took 2 tablets every 2 hours and only took 6 tablets total. Well my sister told me after I took the Pepto that it probably wasn't a good idea and now I am FREAKING out! Have I deformed my baby?




  1. You're probably fine, just don't take any more.  

  2. I have taken Pepto with both my pregnancies and I have one healthy 2 1/5 year old and I'm 5 days away from my EDD. My dr actually told me to take it for heartburn and indigestion. I am sure you are fine, but calling your dr on Monday will make you feel better!

  3. I took IMMODIUM when I was four weeks pregnant. Then again I did not know I was. Dr. said I will be fine. My baby is now one year old. She is smart and very cute.

  4. im sure its fine as long as you dont make a habit out of it.

    BTW, that was very rude of the doctors office. Maybe you should consider switching doctors.

  5. You're fine hun, just don't take anymore okay?

  6. Calm down, your baby will be just fine. When you have a question about a medication for your pregnancy, call your local 24 hour pharmacy. They seem to have more time to handle our questions than our doctors do. (and they are very qualified to handle them, just make sure it is the actual pharmacist and not a technician) I was told it was okay to use by my doctor, but I used the liquid. When I called again about something, they told me to stop calling them and call the pharmacy. I do not know the dosage of the tablets. But I'm sure your baby is fine. Just give a call to the pharmacist to double check or if he or she is unsure they can tell you some proven alternatives.  

  7. Don't worry, although pepto is on the no-no list, it was only a one time thing.  As long as you don't keep taking it, it will be fine. I don't think there is a pregnant woman out there that hasn't done or taken something that they wouldn't have if only they had known not to.  Next time take Keopectate or if the diarrhea continues ask your Dr about lomotil, it is safe to take when pregnant. Just tell your Dr that you took the pepto and I am sure they will tell you the same thing I just did :)  

  8. you are not suppose to take pepto while pregnant. I did with my first though because i didn't know that and everything was fine. Make sure you call your doctor now, tell her/him exactly what happened with the on call dr and he will tell you things to watch for. My dr.'s/hospital's staff were rude like that too. Hopefully something will get done about it. There is no reason they couldn't have said a simple yes or no.

  9. My doctor actually recommends Pepto.  I've never heard of it being an issue, and took it regularly in my first pregnancy.  My little guy was just fine!

  10. Stop freaking out!  Your baby will probably be fine.  A one time use, of a pregnancy category C is not likely at all to cause any harm to baby.  And, there is nothing you can do about it now.  Your doctors office is there to answer questions and I am sorry that you got a sorry answer that you did. I would not take any more, and it sounds like you exceeded the doseage  which isn't good either, but the good news is that around 12 weeks most everything is formed and the information for the drug on are almost all things that are correctable and not life threating.  I would tell your doctor about taking it but I would not be worred about a "deformed" baby.  Try to relax, some moms give there babys a lot worse than pepto for months and their babies are just fine.  You will find out and see for sure at your 20 wk u/s, until then stick with tums and tyenol unless your doctor okays something else.

  11. Pepto is FINE. Furthermore, the baby's development of major organ systems, limbs etc is complete by now. Don't freak, you didn't do anything wrong just don't take more. Furthermore, people will tell you what you have done wrong during pregnancy A LOT - I get it all the time from my MIL about what I eat.

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