
I'm 12 years old and have a 10 cm d**k, how can I get a longer one?

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I'm 12 years old and have a 10 cm d**k, how can I get a longer one?




  1. wow you guys are jerks.

    If you have nothing to say then don't say anything at all

    and to answer your question: There really isn't anything you can do. But it shouldn't matter anyway because the person you choose to spend your life with should not care or judge

  2. You just started puberty:you will see that it will grow larger by itself.

    Nothing you need to do.Your hormones and genetics will take care of it:besides that:you are way to young to worry about it already,


  3. suck it  

  4. take the pencil out of your trousers.

  5. eat frosted flakes for breakfast every morning and they will make you gggrrreeeeaaattttt!!!

  6. It's not the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean.

  7. Get yourself down to the longer d**k shop they have loads

  8. Have a word with your maths teacher... she will explain the difference between centimetres and millimetres.

  9. LMAO.

  10. Wake up.

  11. the answer to your question is easy time as you get older it'll get bigger

  12. Get to be 13

  13. 12 year old thinking about his d**k its funny your only 12 you have a life ahead of you

  14. stare at this pic for 1 minute lol

    dont worry its clean

  15. have s*x

  16. Stop playing with it or it will fall off altogether.

  17. I don't know that you can but it's not the size of it, it's what you do with it.

  18. just wait i am 14 with a 6 1/2 incher when im hard

  19. You also have an unpleasant turn of phrase for one so young. The size and development of your p***s has already been determined by your genetic make up, there is nothing you, anyone or anything can do to alter this.

  20. ask santa

  21. wait until you grow up and then you realise size DOESN'T matter

  22. ask your grandma  

  23. Do you think we are a load of plonkers?

  24. i remember when i was your age :P

    I had a 10cm it sucked waiting but your just about

    to go through puberty and by the time your almost 14 like me it'll be about a 15 :) it grows alot in 2 years

  25. If you are 12 years old, you are too young to have a Y/A account, let alone wanting a bigger one.

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