
I'm 13, I can't Choose What Kind Of Doctor I Want To Be?

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Ahhh im so confused i don't know what kind of doctor. What kind of doctor is House on the shoe HOUSE




  1. Judging from your grammar and spelling, I would say you won't have to worry about this problem.

  2. House and in tiny letters... M.D.

    Medical Doctor.

  3. What kind of diseases are you interested in?

    IG's answer is a good one.

    House specializes in infectious disease, and he is the head of diagnostic medicine.

    Never knew he was a nephrologist.

    Cameron is an immunologist

    Foreman is a neurologist

    Chase is an intensive care physician and a surgeon

    Wilson is an oncologist

    Cuddy is an endocrinologist

    Taub is a plastic surgeon

    Kutner is a sports medicine and rehabilitation physician

    13 is an internal medicine physician

    If you wanna know what these all mean, ask me. (via e-mail)

  4. Well you can look taht up online but you have PLENTY of time to decide what you are going to do after highschool

  5. I want to be a doctor too.

    I think you should become a skin care doctor. I know its not as proffesional as a medical doctor, but since plastic surgery and layzer waxing is only to be done only with a doctors permission, you earn alot of money as plastic surgery will get very popular in the future.

  6. volunteer at a hospitol and you can see the different type of doctors and learn about them and figure out which type you like the best.

  7. Your'e pretty  young to be worried about that. Some med students still aren't completely sure what kind of doctor they want to be. You could discover that you like something that you never thought about during rotations. But with something like medicine, I guess it's never to early to start. Like the other person said, I think you should learn more about the different fields but keep an open mind.

  8. Just keep learning right now- it's probably a bit too early to decide.

    At 13, I wanted to be a herpatologist, but a couple years later I was introduced to the amazing world of plants... And then I discovered GIS... And the result (at the moment) is research developing prediction models of invasive plant spatial distributions within the Appalachians.  I just find out where these things take me as I go.

    Keep your options (and your mind) open!

  9. hey man i am 13 and i want to be a doctor as well. I f you want a fair amount of money you need to become a specialist like a dermitoligist. Or a surgeon if you aren't afraid of blood. A heart surgeon or a neurosurgeon are very interesting.

  10. I agree with Pangolin - don't worry about choosing specialties now! I wanted to be a mathematician when I was 13 - aaahh!!

    About "House" - a lot of what he does wouldn't really be done by doctors at all in real life. When you see him and his team looking down microscopes and doing weird blood tests - this would actually be done by technicians and scientists.

    A lot of the stories on House involve a lot of different types of pathology. Pathology isn't just cutting up dead bodies - it involves blood tests, testing for infections, looking at tissue samples, and then working out what it all means for that patient. So perhaps you could find a pathologist and ask some questions if that interests you?

  11. House is a Nephrologist, with a specialty in infectious diseases. And to those IDIOTS giving me the thumbs down, that is the correct answer to her question, you MORONS!!

  12. The good news is that you have a decade to figure it out.  You don't even need to THINK about a specialty until you are more than halfway through medical school.  Most of us who "knew" what we wanted to do changed our minds once we got into it anyway.

    You cannot make an informed decision until you do your clinical rotations and experience first hand what different types of doctors do.

    "Dr. House" is a FICTIONAL doctor.  There is no real life physician that does what he does.  It's a TV show.  Real life is much, much different.

  13. Don't pick now - wait a few years. Do a lot of research and find out as much as you can.

  14. ok if ur choosing which kind of doctor to be i would definitely go with the most paid career in america which is a surgeon. the actual most paying job isnt the person who actually does the surgery its the surgeon's assistant who does small tasks, but earns all the dough. my uncle is a millionare. he has been in that career stage for about 2 years now.

    hope i helped. =]

    good luck with being a doctor

  15. What are your interests?  Do you like animals more than people or vice versa?  Young or old?  Go to

    They have descriptions of all md's you may like to take up...

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