
I'm 13, about one year ago, i cut my "sack" open in a biking accident.?

by  |  earlier

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nothing too serious happened, but i need 6 stitches.

the question is, will i sill be able to have kids you think?




  1. haha. quite funny. but ur fine dude.

    dont worry. i can imagine how worried. u are =p

    chill ur fine

    good luck dude

  2. Ya, I would think.  I mean, otherwise the doctors would have talked about it and you'd probably have to have surgery or something.  

  3. Oh yeah, you'll be able to have as many kids as you want. Don't worry about that.

    That had to hurt. I cringe just thinking about it. I'm glad you are okay.  

  4. well i've been riding freestyle motocross for bout 7 years and i must say that i wrecked my sacks more than 20 times already i think(i've lost count)there was once when i torn my left and right groin,i needed atleast 15 stitches on each side then to my relieve the doctor said that he could fix me up real good,now i'm the proud father of a beautiful and shweet baby girl...and shes wants to ride motocross too when shes old enough,the best thing is that she doesn't have a pair sacks to wreck...haha

    girls on dirt bikes=hot and hotties=my baby girl

  5. Yes, assuming you remembered the golden rule at the time.

    Count the number, check the size, find the location XD

  6. yes you can still have kids unless it was something more serious than no u won't be able to. so the answer it yes you can still have kids ok

  7. Alot of men are still able to concieve children after having one removed, so I would think that you would be fine.

  8. the same thing happened to a friend of mine in school. hes got threekids now. you'll be just fine the but of a few jokes everynow and then as this is how kids are but fine none the less good luck.

  9. omg seroiusly aww yea youll be fine :)

  10. are you forreal man its gonna take a lot more then that stop you from having kids if your that worried just stay away from microvens

  11. you poor thing...u'll b fine! :D

  12. Yeah.You'll be fine,don't worry.=)

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