
I'm 13 and 9 months do you know where i can get a job??

by  |  earlier

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I live in a little town named grafton located in NSW...please contact me!

thanks xx




  1. it's hard i live in a little town also but you have to be around 16 to get a job at shop rite stop and shop and places like that but some places won't even hire you until your 18 i know cause i can't find a job either and i'm 16 and 5 months

  2. well alot of SUPA IGA stores like to hire the younge kids, and i at my local one i always see sighns up for check out people that are 13 and 9months (so yes you can get a job unlike that other person said) or really any super market, they let you work after school and weekends around your schooling

  3. I know you would probably never consider this but, at your age you could get a job at McDonalds. You just need your parents permission or something like that.

  4. stick to babysitting for now, hon. I mean, you still spell baby with an i.

  5. You can try some online jobs visit  For a scam free  list of all possible ways to earn online .

  6. As you live in Australia, the legal age here for employment is 14 years 9 months, so you'll have to wait another year.

    The only other thing I can suggest is maybe doing chores around the neighbourhood.

    The sites as listed by another user are probably scams as most of these online money making schemes are.

    EDIT: If IGA hires anyone at your age (as another user stated), they are doing so ILLEGALLY, which can lead to dire consequences for both YOU & the STORE!

    The LEGAL age for employment in NSW is 14 yrs & 9 months!

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