
I'm 13 and I have to meet my girl friends

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My girl friends parents wont let her do ANYTHING with me till they meet I'm really nervous about meeting them, like I'll embarrass myself or they wont like me and make us break up. So do y'all have any tips for making a good impression on girlfriend's parents?




  1. calm down for starters . be yourself that what they want you to do it not that they aren't going to like you it just they are scared for there little girl..... take it one step at a time slow and steady  

  2. Be yourself, dont tell any stupid jokes (like racist jokes) just really be yourself, if they dont like you its there loss.

  3. wear nice clothes.. but no ties or anything lol. call them sir and maam. try not to look like you just came out of a bar. just try to be nice and show them that you really like their daughter for real

  4. be polite but casual :]  

  5. wear a nice shirt, not suit and tie, but like a button down one or something (unless that's not really your style)  but probably not black because parents usually don't like that (not trying to judge you, just have noticed that)  if you have long hair, don't TRY and put it in your eyes.  

    when you go to her house or wherever, look her parents in the eyes, and if they don't already offer a handshake, YOU offer a handshake.  that will put them offguard about judging you harshly because you have already shown to be respectful upfront.  other than that just be yourself and if you just relax (and put a filter through what your talking about so you DON"T ebarrase yourself.  think about what your about to say) you should be fine.  just remember to try to be respectful. that's probably what they're looking for the most.

  6. be yourself ;) that way you won't have to act differently each time you see them.

    Just see them as a friend's parents! I Mean you are 13, come on! They're not expecting you to kidnap their daughter lol so just friendly

  7. Just be polite.  Every guy who has met my parents has embarrassed himself the first time.  There was always a second time so he could make up for it.  Just relax, be yourself, and be polite.

  8. Dump her and go out with me



    Just be yourself....

  9. Just be yourself. Of course act polite and dress clean. Find out what the father likes and try to BOND with him on that. Always display respectful manners to the mother.

  10. youre 13... her parents arent gonna expect that much from u... its not like theyre gonna b asking u what u do for a living... ur not going there to ask to marry the girl.... so just relax... just b polite, and ur good :)

  11. Dress neat, be polite with good manors.

    Just relax and be yourself, when my first boyfriend meet my parents for the first time he brought me and my mom some flowers(just an idea)

    they don't have to be expensive one.

    Just be yourself.

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