
I'm 13 and I want to get pregnant!?

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It seams like the in thing to do.

Don't worry I have a plan! My boyfriend loves me he is 16 and has a paper route. He makes 100.00 a month and what we cant afford the state will make up for. I was told they will even buy me a house and pay for everything!

I know I'm ready for a family life!

So my question is do you have and name suggestions?




  1. You may feel ready for a family but trust me you are not! You need to first save up lots of money for any unexpected expenses because trust me they happen. You are still young you need to live your life and enjoy it before you have a baby. Would you want your baby to have a baby when she or he is 13? No you will want them to finish school and have a life and be sure that they have found the right person to have a baby with.(Would you really want to be a grandmother at like 26 years old?!) At 16 it is not for sure that your bf will be there forever you and him both will be going through a lot of changes and will probably not be together forever even if you feel your perfect for each other now.

    Believe me you will want to go out and party and go to the bars when your older but with a kid you wont be able to. Because then you will be responsible for not only yourself but also the LIFE of another person and that is a huge responsibility!

    Finish school, enjoy your life you will be happy that you did. Then when you find that perfect someone later on in your life get married and then think about having a kid once your financialy ready. You wont want to live your life depending on governments money you will barely get enough to live on.

  2. so i really hope your kidding...

    i see your point though i've actually seen little girls seriously ask this on this site

    what is our society coming to?

  3. this cannot be a real question, if so you are the dumbest 13 year old around. you think there would be homeless people if the government bought people houses? don't do it you moron, 100 dollars isnt even enough to fill up a gas tank anymore, 100dollars barely buys enough groceries a month

  4. Wow! Sydney's plan is bulletproof! I'll give you $100 for your first babby!

  5. Hahah, I am going to enjoy saying that you are dumb, stupid, ignorant, and clueless about anything. Go ahead and have your precious little baby. We will see you on Cops when c**p hits the fan and you cant afford to pay for the dang thing. Go ahead and carelessly reck your life, your babies life, and your so-called 'lovers' life. You wont be wrecking mine though, as I enjoy watching Cops.

    P.S. Tell me what episode you are going to be airing on...

  6. 13 is way to young, 100 a month can't get you anything now a days and the govn't won't help that that much.  Think about things before you do them, thats a big life change.  Are you going to finish school?  Get a job?

  7. Just don't get or job or let your boyfriend work too hard or else they will take away your welfare.  I suggest taking up smoking pot immediately just in case.

    I suggest maynard or OhGee for tha name.  And hurry up so you can both enjoy Hannah montanna.

  8. okay u are 13 years old and ur saying the the state will pay for everthing no they wont plus u have to be 18 to get on state  and ur bf is 16 and make 100 a month little girl u dont know anything about having a baby ya your bf says thathe loves u but really he dont all it it is puppy love  u need to grow up and finsh school  wait untill u get married to have a baby  trust me i know what is feels like to be a teen mom i was 16 when i had my daughter 5 years ago and im taking care of her by my self with no help her dad left and has never came back think about that

  9. omg...i so totally agree with you!! don't listen to these naysayers...i had my first kid at 12 and the state paid for everything!!! i'm having my 6th in  a few weeks and i selling drugs to supplement my income! my kids are smart and even get free school lunches!!! congrats and lots of baby dust to you!!

  10. You are the perfect couple to raise a family. You are both wise and mature and your boyfriend has a career in the media industry. Don't worry about having a house and an income. You can live on love.

  11. No honey you are way too young.  Right now is the time you should be having babbies and selling them to all of the barren women willing to pay top dollar.  You pop out a few kids in your teens, "adopt" them to the highest bidder, invest in the right mutual funds, then in your twenties you can retire early and have your real family.

  12. Look you aren't ready. I know you think you are but bragging you are on welfare isn't to appealing. 100.00 dollars won't even buy the diapers and formula for the month. Please wait. When and if you get pregnant I can guarantee you that boy will leave you.

  13. 13 year old to 13 year old here.

    I've never had a kid, and I'm not gonna for a LOOOOOOOONG time.  You should too.  But my point is from what I've heard.  Pregnancy, you're carrying a child for 9 whole months, the baby squishes your bladder as it grows, so you have to pee a lot more, you have to eat a TON, and not to mention hormones going wild.  And then there's labor.  My friend said her mom said it was more pain than you could ever imagine, plus there are all kinds of things that can go wrong!  You could be risking your life!

  14. Wow.... didn't know people this ignorant still existed

  15. Wow! You really are crazy! You're only 13, you are still a kid yourself. You really shouldn't do this now. Step back and think about what you are actually saying here.

  16. Alright, i am thirteen, and I would like to let you know alot of pregnant teens can't handle the pressure of having a baby, or raising it, they cry constantly, they are very picky about food, and they dirty their diaper ALOT. So all night long you have to hear "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... and you have to get up and take care of it, change its diaper, feed it, and much more. Maybe it seems like the "in" thing to do, but you will regret it later. You will loose all your sleep, so you will be exhausted every day, and if you don't take care of your baby right, DCF will take your baby away. Most 20 year olds and 30 year olds can't handle all the pressure, all the stress, and all the lack of sleep. Some people have even had to go into rehab because of hearing the baby cry,cry,cry,cry,cry,cry, all night and most of the day. And what will the people you know and love think of you once you're pregnant? Like your parents? I'm sorry, but I hope you dont get pregnant, because almost no teens can handle it, and it is one of the hardest things in life. Good luck with this decision, I hope I helped. : )

  17. the state money is for those who fall on hard times, honey. not ignorant teenagers who get pregnant, knowing full well that they need state assistance and also have no intentions of ever getting off it. sure, it would've easy for me to get knocked up at a young age, sacrificing my morals for free money, food, and childcare, and subsidized utility bills. but instead, I waited until I was married, which I did after I got my bachelor's degree.

  18. your are s***** don't ruin your life you are not ready . a 100.00 a month isn't anything that won't even buy gas in my car for a week. and living off the government is not a good life its the bare necessities. if it sounds to good to be true it usually is.

    PS at 16 I think your boyfriend loves s*x and not you. he doesn't even know what it means .except for what he feels in his pants and that's the truth.

  19. your hormones are just going crazy now, your probably just now going through puberty!!!! having a baby at thirteen is the worst decision off the state intentionally is not a plan either.....the state is for people who need help for the right reasons. Its obvious you wont be able to take care of a baby.... so i would nip that plan in the bud..... but if you are pregnant i will pray for your child!!!

  20. the state will NOT buy you a house. and when you are on state assistance MY husband is paying for YOUR child and YOUR stupidity (im sorry that is what it is).  people do not want to pay taxes to pay for some CHILD to have a child and not support it.  trust me we could use the extra money here too.  you really need to grow up and get a grip.  100$ a month does NOT even cover diapers.  have you thought about dr appt, formula, diapers, clothes, god forbid you have a special needs child,,are you ready for that? there is ALOT more to having a baby that cute clothes and cool strollers.  it is a 24/7 job.

    im sorry you sound VERY immature and VERY misinformed.  grow up

  21. LOL, you had me going.  Too funny, to post that sort of nonsense, knowing fully well that children don't have babies, let alone s*x.

    Finish school, get a job, find a good husband, then talk babies with your hubby.

    Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are serious (LOL) and not merely just trolling around. You're a child, children don't have s*x, nor do they have babies.  You're not capable of taking care of a baby yourselves, being that you can't even take care of yourself without the help of your Mommy and Daddy.  They drive you to your pediatrician's office, they drive you to where you need to go.

    Sleepless nights.  No more sleeping in on weekends, or ever.  No, you can't ask Mommy and Daddy to babysit when you're "too tired" or you want to go to the mall to hang out with your friends.

    Say you have a baby who is need of multiple surgeries.  My daughter, born with a cleft lip/palate, has had 7 surgeries so far, before the age of 5.  She's now 6, the next surgery will be at around age 8.  

    I'm 40 years old, my husband is 46.  It's hard on US, sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting for the surgeon to come speak to us.

    You are no way ready to take on a baby.  

    As I said, grow up, get an education.  Find a good husband, and then, you can talk about having a baby with him.

  22. You were told wrong.  The state is cracking down on those who just want to live off them.  You are a minor, so your parents will be carrying the burden, no matter what...  The state is not going to pay for a house for a 16 year old and his 13 year old girlfriend and baby.  

    It is truly not the thing to do, dear.  It is the thing to do to get your high school diploma, go to a higher education facility and learn a trade....  Get on your own feet and don't rely on the state to carry you.  

    I don't know if you've been keeping up with the news, but the economy sux right now, and more people are being helped by their government.  that means less money to go around.

    And they will not give you a home to live in.  You will be on the streets or in your parent's home, or his, to raise this baby with no real aid.  

    Trust me, you'll regret it one day.  Having a baby at 13 is dangerous for both you and the baby.  You are so young and have not developed the proper body to carry a baby, you could die, your baby could die, you could get sick and never be able to have a baby when you are truly old enough to have one.

    Please reconsider your decision.  If your boyfriend loves you (by the way having sexual relations with a minor over 2 years younger than you is illegal) he and you should discuss waiting until you are 18, at the very least.

  23. seem like a troll but I'll answer anyway. There is more to raising a child then what YOU want. Raising a child take the ability to support yourself and the child. They aren't cheap either emotionally or financially.

    Raising a child is a selfless act. As a child yourself you have not yet learned pertinent life information important when raising a child. You can't even get a job that will support raising a child as you haven't even finished school yet. It isn’t fair to rely on others to support you and your child…raising your child is YOUR responsibility. If you think it’s perfectly fine to rely on your own mommy and daddy and also the state or government to help you raise your child, then you cannot come here and claim you are “ready” to have a child.

  24. i think you should watch baby borrowers.

    8:00 PM wednesdays on NBC.

  25. OK, U are 13 and your boyfriend is 16, your not an Adult yet.  and you want to have a baby.  your still too young.  your barely a teenager...why ? I will tell you why.

    $100.00 a month is just for Groceries (food)  so what about the :


    Rent, phone, electricity, water?  

    there there is for the baby:  Diapers , clothing, shoes, toys to learn with, doctor appt's, insurance for the baby, bottles, etc.

    so go on welfare.  and have me pay for you to have a child and sit and do nothing.  and have the state pay for you to buy everything for your family.  

    Did you ever hear this : "It takes a village to raise a child." And that is only 1 (one) child what if you have twins.  do this try to do a play baby, for like a week  or more. have you seen Teens taking care of Baby its a t.v show.  all of them thought it would be so easy and it's not all what it's cracked up to be. think about getting up to feed your child every 2 to 4 hours around the clock.  then going to work too.

      think about this again.  believe me your not ready!

  26. Do it! you're ready! it will be so grand.

    you can use the baby as a drug mule as well!

  27. ur a friggin loser get a job already quit being a idiot

  28. No! Listen, honey. 13 is too young an age to have children. Your boyfriend sounds like he's a very nice young man, but that doesn't mean you two should be getting this serious just yet. I will not tell you how to get babies because it would be irresponsible. Work at a day care if you want to take care of children. You can learn a lot that way without the consequences of teen pregnacy.

  29. "the state will even buy me a house and pay for everything"

    no. whoever told you that lied to you. big time.

  30. trust me, your only 13. i'm 15 and there is sooooo much i wanna do in my life still. i haven't had a baby so i don't really know much about the baby aspect, so i can't tell you anything from there. but i know that even if it seems like you want a baby now, there are soooo many drastic turns ahead of you, you might wanna wait on that dream! if you two love eachother as much as you say, you can wait.

  31. um.. 100 a month is nothing.. ask your parents what they think. your hormones are going crazy. i know you FEEL like you are ready.. but thats the body talking.. you're not ready financially (i made $100 a day.. you have to save up for things like that.. insurance, dr appointments, diapers, clothes, crib, blankets.. babies go through at least 3 outfits a day.. you have to be able to wash them constantly.. laundry detergent, formula, bottles.. should i go on?) or physically.. you, at 13, are just starting puberty.. there's no way you will be grown up enough to be able to physically nourish a child.. ideally you should wait until you're finished with HS at least.. and married.. you're insane to think that you could raise a baby on your own (your bf is 16 and he's DEFINATELY not ready.. he says he is.. but guys mature much slower than girls.. to me.. "i LOVE you" should be the precoursor to "will you marry me")

    talk to your parents about it.. then LISTEN to them.. they know best. they're old enough and mature enough to know better. i'm 20 and even if i HAD a bf i wouldn't be ready.. i'm trying to pay for college and i have groceries and things to worry about.. you don't have any idea what you're getting yourself into. trust me. please. feel free to yell at me all you want. you can message me. but know that you're 13 and you're going through phases of puberty.. i'll be praying for you..


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