
I'm 13 and I want to leave home, where can I go?

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I'm mature enough to live on my own because I've had to be ever since my Mum died and my had to Dad worked 24/7 just so we could afford to live. Then my Dad re-married my step-mum and saying she's not a nice person, would be a massive understatement.

I want to leave home, but I don't know where I can go?! Is there anywhere I can go [in the UK] to stay, other than a friends/family member's sofa?




  1. I would suggest if you really feel that you are being treated badly that you call Childline - they will be able to give you the best advice.

  2. I dont think you should leave just yet. Your too young. How will you earn money to look after yourself and feed yourself? People will take advantage of you and you dont want that. I say stay home for a few more years until you can get a job. Put up with the woman and if she mistreats you mistreat her back...if you catch my drift. =D

    If you still cant cope, tell your father. If he doesnt help either' call childline like mentioned above.

  3. visit socail services. or go to connexion.

  4. foster home

  5. Maybe an aunt would be willing to "adopt" you. But before you do anything drastic you should talk to your dad.  

  6. I think you have to tell the social services and they'll probably let you live in a care home.

  7. i






  8. i completely agree with lazlouz2001

  9. i am sorry you feel that way have you told your dad how your feeling i really do feel sorry for you but the only thing you can do is talk to someone if you are being mistreated get in touch with social services or childline please dont do anything stupid  

  10. i hate my family dad is an idiot well i havent seen him in about a year or heard form him,i want to leave home too,but if u go to a mtes ur gonna  have to come back soon,bcoz ur mum can get the law on them for keeping u away form home so they will have to kick u out

    emial me coz im not gonna write this on a public page


    email on -

  11. I know this is not what you want to hear but still I think you should know that if you leave home then you might only regret it later and want to come back later on...

    If you really want to leave your home then you have to contact the social services and ask for their help. No one on line can really help you with this matter, because none of us really know what is going on at your house and what your situation is in detail.

    Hope all turns out ok! Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother and the state that you are in! I know this must be really hard for you...

  12. its ok. everything will be just fine. u don't need to leave home, and you especially don't need to umm leave the world... that is a horrible solution to your problem. whatever you're going through, you will overcome it. don't fret. you'll get through it just hang in there!

  13. are you kiddin me, every kid once to leave home one in there life and yeah KID!!

    your 13 not 18 ffs!

    if you feel tht strongly then go 2 a social worker and go and live in a disgusting hostel wer people c**p up the walls and no1 cares about u oh yeah and not to mention break your dads heart whilst ur at it....You will soon go runnnin bak trust me!

  14. you are not homeless, and you have a responsible parent/guardian. all teenagers go through difficult relations with their parents, but try to stay and work at it. im sure your dad would be devestated if you left. i grew up in similar circumstances.

  15. Just stay at home.

  16. I understand you feel you should be on your own.  It seems it would be in your best interest if you were placed with a new family.  Or, you could just deal with it.  (I know that's not your favorite thought right now.)

  17. If I ever got a step parent, if they were rude I would't show them respect, just be rude back. ask family.(aunts, uncles, grandparents etc)

  18. Hi, I'm 12. (just a peice of random info) and maybe you could stay at a hostel. (theyre all over the country) or the YMCA.  there are loads of them too. But just tell ur dad that your stepmum is a witch. I'm sure he'll put you before her.

    e-mail me and tell me how it goes

  19. Refer yourself to Social Services. they will help you either to deal with issues, or find you somewhere more appropriate to live. but don't kid yourself that at 13 you are mature enough to leave home. You aren't.

  20. Childlien, my step-mother is a ***** too. But I had the choice. Call childine.

  21. Im 14 and i hate life at home but deep down i couldn't live without my mum, and im sorry for you loss. my step dads a prikk but i still put up with it.

    you should sit your dad down and tell him how you feel.

    if you have a close friend or maybe a boy friend stay round theres if you dont like being at home thats what i do.

    if you want to talk then add me.


  22. Make sure you think A LOT about this before you do anything. You could get really hurt living out on your own at such a young age. On the other hand, please do NOT kill yourself. You are a precious human being who deserves to live! Just keep your options open, call a hotline, or speak with a councelor.

  23. i think you need help. quick. the best idea would be to call childline (0800 1111). they will help you sort the problem out and they will ask you what YOU want to do. they will talk to your dad as well. it does look like he loves you. Good Luck

  24. I would just hang in there, do little jobs at your age and put it away - by the time you're 16 rent out a roomboard in a family home and work parttime - going to school at the same time. I have done that - it will be tuff to focus on school work and pay rent , but if that situation is better it be soo worth it.

  25. i know what you mean !

    but ..............


    dont bother going and leaving home you will only come back again !

    its like you said your dad is working 24/7 for you !


    the best ways to go about things is talking to people like childline and things because its something that lots of people think about !


    if you do wanna go ask a friend if you can stay for a bit or a family member , then you can go back it will always make you better once your away for a bit !


    if you still dont wanna go home try a holiday camp or something where you can be away for a long time !

    do u have any family members in a diffrent town or city because it would help by going there to get away from it all !

    once i felt i wanted to leave home because of things that where happening but i went to stay with my gran for a while down in cornwall it made me feel better and i was happy to be going home

    i hope this helped and i didnt make you feel worse !

    belive me its not worth it !



  26. el have you got an older female friend or family member that is around 26-40 and your very close to?

    if so ask to go and permently live with them! not sofa you`d have your own room in there house coz they`ll have took you in!

    approach them by sayin can i come round i need to talk to you!

    then tell them how your feeling and all your problems and ask if you can move in!

    just dnt do anything stupid and makesure the adult you shoose will be loving and responsible!

  27. Well, see I don't think it's a very smart thing to leave home, because now, at least you have where to live and what to eat.Wherever you go, you will have to work so you can survive, and you will have to go to school.Is that what you want?I mean, I know that you might hate her, but some people have it much worse.

  28. 13 is a very young age to want to move out as at that age you should still be in school and cannot legally get a job to support yourself or anything, but i know what you mean by you are mature enough to leave as i left home when i was 14 i was mature enough because i fended for myself from a young age, i live in uk and there is no where that would take you the only reason i moved out was because i had a older boyfriend who had his own place other then that i would of had to stay with my mum, i am not suggesting you find an older boyfriend though, if you put up with living there 3 more years until you are 16 then you can move to uk and get a job like in hotel or something that Will do live in accommodation other then that i have no other suggestions for but i do know how you feel  

  29. Your to young to leave home offically, and the only place you could go other then a friend or relative's house - is into a Home.

    As their are limited places in Homes, it is unlikely that you will get a place there - espeically when you have responsible parents and guardians. Places are there for children who are in danger at home, or whose parents (for medical/mental/emotional etc) reasons are currently unable to take care of them to the best of their ability.

    I suggest you talk to your father and step mother, and let them know how you are feeling. If you feel unable to talk to them, try Childline or when term starts again, a trusted Teacher.

    Don't do anything rash, we all go through our moments where we think the entire world is againsts us.  

  30. First of all have you spoken to your dad, please try all options before you make any drastic moves,try child line I know you feel you are mature enough but believe me there's more out there than you think,there is a lot you don't know, I mean have you thought how your dad paid the rent/mortgage food bills water bills electric bills ect,and where do you suppose you will get a job to keep yourself at 13 with no education,I know I know I sound all adult and not thinking of what is affecting you, believe me I am, but I am also kinda of scared of what can happen to someone so young, please seek some professional advice.  

  31. I think you need someone trustworthy you can confide in, perhaps you know of a teacher at school who would help and point you in the right direction or maybe a friends mum you can talk to but someone who you know you will get sound advice from and I'm so sorry you lost your mum that must be really tough for you. all the best you sound a lovely girl and you know problems do pass no matter how bad and hopeless they may look to you, there is always other options.

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