
I'm 13 and already have a job as a paper carrier, but I want more money than the 400/month. Any suggestions?

by Guest60762  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and already have a job as a paper carrier, but I want more money than the 400/month. Any suggestions?




  1. hey i'm 15 and this is what i do

  2. all i have to say is that ur lucky

  3. wow you are pretty lucky to have a job that pays that good for you to be so young.  However, if you want something more, try to find something online, like surveys and stuff.  Some pay by check, some by paypal or whatever.  For those that pay by paypal, you might need to ask your parents to set it up for you where they give you the money that you make.

  4. You can try at this website

    It is a surveys website. It is free to register, they didnt charges any fees. They paid the payment by check or paypal. You can drawout your money when you reach the minimum payout $10. You can see the questions at faqs or forum. But see the term and condition first before you register, make sure that the job is suitable for you. Hope can help you.

  5. im 16 and i used this article on how to make some extra cash it may not replace your job but it will be a good addition and it doesnt require skill just a little bit of time check out the article.

  6. Let you paper route Manager/Supervisor know you will be interested in taking on another route when it becomes available. He/She will let you know when something near your existing route is open!

    You have tons of opportunities in your neighborhood. Especially because the people that you already deliver papers to KNOW you. They may be willing to give you some odd jobs for mowing the lawn, shoveling snow (if you live where there's snow!), babysitting for a few hours while they go shopping/out to dinner, etc., cleaning out their garage, helping them wax/shine their boat/car, vacuuming their car and shining their dash, cleaning their mini blinds, or any other job that they might not have time to do themselves!!

    Maybe you could make a flyer on your computer with your name and phone # and the kind of jobs you are willing to do and hand them out with your newspapers?

    Doing these odd jobs not only will help with extra money, but will allow you to meet and get to know people, develop your social skills, and teach you some valuable life lessons! It will keep you in good shape too!

    I'm glad you have the ambition to try to do more and get more out of life. Bravo!

    Good luck with the job search! (Be sure to save some of that hard earned cash to buy something extra special for yourself!)

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