
I'm 13 and feeling depressed.......

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for a few days i've been feeling really depressed. i think it's because i'm realising that my phobia of being sick is completely taking over my life. I can't gte on any planes in case I'm sick and if i have a slight sore stomach, i'll refuse to do anything in case it makes me throw up. my mum and dad recently asked if I wanted to go to london on the train (a 5 hour journey) and I said yes, but i am regretting it. I told my mum i had doubts and she is now upset. She said she was really looking forward to going to London because she had been researching hotels and everything so now i feel worthless and useless, as well as being a bother because my parents can't take me on holiday. I just feel depressed. Should I go to the doctors, or see a phsycologist or talk to my parents? Am i even depressed? What should I do about the London train journey?




  1. just go..ull be fine be a big girl

  2. well did you just start puberty? if you that may have to do greatly. and sometimes it dosent get better... i sometimes get super duper depressed so much that i just sob, weird thing is that im not hurting, no reason to cry. but then i get "it" the next day. its happened a couple of times.  

    or check your family history on depression, you may have low serotonin, which is what controls moods as well as other things. there are things to help raise it like hickory (Carya), walnut (Juglans), also low concentrations in plantain, pineapple, banana, kiwifruit, plums, and tomatoes. so if you add this to your diet it may help. also in mushrooms and plants.. but i don;t suggest you try that yet.  

    or you could always exercise. it has been said that physical activity at least three times a day help s relieve depression. or just go to a shrink if you feel like it, you may have a suppressed memory or something.

  3. well, what you could do is go to your GP and see if he can refer you to a counsellor. with a counsellor you could talk about your fear of being sick and help you try and get over it - or your GP might refer you to someone else. since you are becoming overly worried about it and it's controlling your life, this tells you that you need to see someone. i may be over-speculating, but it may be amounting to OCD since you won't do anything when you feel the slightest bit ill.

    anyway, see your GP and he can help more professionally than online.

    good luck =]

    oh and i don't think you're depressed, perhaps anxious more than anything

  4. Use an nausea medication. Make an appointment with your physician if you becoming sick frequently. you may have ulcers, acid reflux or any number of physical aliments. If you were my child I would make an appointment with a therapist to help with your feelings of depression. I hope your communication with your parents is open and respectful. If you can't tell your mom about your fears show her your question. Good luck  

  5. i have the same fear but not to that extent but i am constantly thinking about being sick.

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