
I'm 13 and i'm a girl...the problem is i have really light hairs on my stomach. Is this normal?

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You can barely see the hairs but i know they're there and it's making me really insecure.




  1. That would be normal even if they were dark hairs.

    Don't worry about it, that's totally normal.

    I'm an older guy, and have seen many, many girls/women naked over the years, and I'd say almost every one of them had at least light hairs there, and some had very dark hairs there.

    Totally normal, so don't worry abut it, OK?  

    And please, stop thinking you have to be physically perfect, (whatever that is).

  2. It's very normal.  If you don't like them, shave them off.

  3. i have them too. and i don't like them but when i ask people if i have them they say no they cant see them.And every other girl has the same thing so don't worry about it. Just leave it alone!! don't shave it my friend did it and now she has huge dark ones like happy-trail So its normal don't worry about you'll be fine and if it still continues to bother you maybe ask your mom to bleach it.

  4. that's normal. you have hair just about everywhere and you don't even know it. since you can barely see them though (and everyone else really does have them) i wouldn't shave them off because then you will have to do it all the time like your legs and such. also because it will come in even thicker if you shave.  

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