
I'm 13 and i get terrible headaches! help!?

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i've been getting headaches a lot for a while seems like almost everyday. I've had this problem before so i got a cat scan about a year ago. They gave me some medicine but it never really helped. I take ibprofene but i've been taking so much lately i'm getting addictive! They get pretty bad to and when ever i tell my docter he just says i should take the medication i've been taking! What should i do!?!?!




  1. I'm not a doctor, but make sure you're eating right; DRINK LOTS OF WATER, and herbal teas  like chamomile.  This will at least put your body in a "cleansing" state... :)

  2. tell your doc to take his thumb out of his *** and actually come up with some ideas that will help you. They can be so lazy sometimes

  3. well first you should find out what the cat scan actually indicated. you need to know what it meant for you. and next, clearly your medication isn't working and it may actually be doing harm! i would recommend getting a second opinion as SOON as possible. dont wait!! and at the very least, if you cant really cut down on the ibuprofen, only take the recommended dosages.

    get on the different doctor opinion thing ASAP.

    best of luck:)

  4. have your mom or dad call the doctor and talk to them. they might do tests on you, and another cat scan to see what's wrong. hope you get to feeling better! : )  

  5. You might possibly be developing migranes.

    Maybe you should think about switching doctors, if their solutions aren't working.

  6. go to a doctor.

  7. I'm not a doctor, but sometimes when you're facing mental stresses or issues in your past are bothering you, the body creates physical pain to avoid facing the mental stresses that are going on.  So go to the doctor and get a 2nd opinion, but also think about things that may be bothering you or that may be causing stress in your life, maybe talk to a therapist.  

  8. These are my own personal rules I follow

    I strongly advise you trying all of the things listed here if they apply to you:

    If you drink alcohol, (and I hope your not at 13), stop.

    Stay hydrated, drink more water.  

    Make sure you are eating properly. (don't skip breakfast & take a multi-vitamin)

    Avoid soda, especially artifically sweetened soda.

    If you wear contacts, take them out while your doing     computer work.  

    Turn the brightness down on your monitor.

    (Brightness should be turned down to about 25 or 30 from the normal of 50)

    If have a CRT monitor, turn the refresh rate up to 85hz.

    Switch to an LCD flat panel if you can.

    If you spend a lot of time outside, wear sunglasses, start wearing them.

    You should get off the ibuprofen as soon as possible.  It'll burn a hole right through your stomach.  Ever hear of the China Syndrome?

  9. I feel your pain, literally. I have been getting headaches just about Everyday since I was about 11-12. I used to go to the doctor for it when I was younger and they did an MRI but I didn't really know what they suggested until about a month ago because my mom didn't tell me. My pediatrician said that she thought I was under a lot of stress and didn't know how to deal with it, and was getting tension migraines. I became addicted to Excedrin for a Very long time. It's not healthy. I finally a few months ago went back to my doctor about them, because I can't take it anymore. I have tried a couple different things and my doctor recently suggested again, like my pediatrician that they are anxiety induced and she wants me to try anti-anxiety medication. Honestly this might sound scary to you at first, because it did to me too and I didn't want to do it, in fact I put it off. But I can't deal with the headaches anymore, and trust me, once you get to my age if you are still having them, and you have tried everything you will be so fed up you will want to try anything. I don't suggest letting it get that far. Go back to that doctor and tell her it isn't helping, or tell your parents it's serious and you need to go to another doctor.

    But please don't wait as long as I did, it is HORRIBLE having a headache every day for that many years...I wish you luck!!

  10. go back to the Doctor and tell him again

  11. Could it be your eyes? Do you strain them often or read in a dim room?  I would suggest going to an Eye doctor. I use to get headaches after school a lot, and found out I needed glasses.

  12. I used to get headaches as a child and I also had a cat scan.  They said i was causing it from getting stressed out.  Ill tell you one thing i do know that most people do not take into account.  Being dehydrated will definitely cause headaches.  make sure you drink a lot of water.  It might sound crazy but try it out. Cut down your sugar and up your water.

  13. If you are like me and do not like taking medications you should try some homeopathic or ayurvedic remedies.  Try a yahoo search on "homeopathic (or ayurvedic) headache remedies".  The first thing you can do is increase your water intake because frequent reoccurring headache can be caused by constant mild dehydration (your brain floats inside a pocket of fluid in your skull cavity and without proper hydration your brain can actually rest on the base your skull).  I personally do not suffer from headaches very often but when I do I use self accupressure, there is a pressure point located in between the first knuckle of your thumb and pointer finger close to your wrist that you can apply pressure to and it helps to open blood vessels in your head and neck.  Lastly, it may be kinda expensive (and probably not covered by most insurance policies) but my final suggestion would be accupuncture.  

  14. Go to a library and find a book on acupressure and try to use it.

    Try alternate medicines, like acupuncture or other branches like Ayurveda or Homoeopathy, or just change the type of pain killer makr sure you can take that and do not have allergy to them. See what happens but try acupressure first, it is the most non invasive and it works for most people, that I know of, I am applying it my self with good result, but had hard time finding the nerve to apply pressure to, once I found the pressure points I am able to use it or should say use them and get reed of the headache in few second, but I do have tough time remembering to use it as the the headaches are very rare, you might say I am cured.

    If they are associated with your monthly cycles then ask your gynaecologist to give you some thing for it. Do not go to same doctor, this one has just given the opinion and is not going to redirect it to find other thing, unless he wishes to, but mst doctor once give an opinion they get just one track mind, and they keep going back to same conclutions.

    If it is "Migraine" then see a neurologist there are few new drugs that work very well they are expensive and only neurologist can give after CAT scan, but they work very well and once they do the job most people need them no more or after a long span of time in between the episodes (hope you have the scan available for the neurologist but they may want their own any way at certain way under certain condition).

    Do your own investigation to see if it is a food allergy or food deprivation, or even when it happens write it down, to see if any pattern emerges. then avoid that thing.

    Drink a gallon of water every day, if it is electrolyte deprivation then it will go away.

  15. take advil

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