
I'm 13 and need a lot of help from you moms..

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the oldest of 7 kids and I always have a TON of chores to do around here.


Okay, I'm 13 and the oldest of 7 kids. My mom has me do a bunch of chores:

- organize my room AND my siblings room

- make mine and my siblings beds

- vaccum, dust, and pick-up the downstairs playroom

- after meals sweep under the table, wipe down table and counter, shake out bibs outside

- wash and dry couple loads of laundry

- fold laundry

- help each child pick out an outfit for the next day and iron it

- feed and water dog and walk twice a day

- skim pool

- get mail


- pull sheets off the bed

- water indoor plants

I have 6 brothers and sisters (age 9, 6, 4, 3, and 2 month old twins). My mom said that I could divide the chores up a little bit for the kids (except the twins). What is a good chore for all of them. 1 chore they each can do daily?




  1. 1st thing Mom needs to do is get on Birth Control (having alot of children is fine as long as your mother is the one taking care of them the majority of the time...not you!)

    2nd Mom needs to be doing her fair share...I mean you doing chores is fine, but you sound like Cinderella...

    3rd get the other kids involved with the work and make it age appropriate, the 9 year old and 6 year old can help with everything you are doing,clean their own rooms,make their own beds,help vacuum and dust and pick their own clothes with your help, (or better yet MOMS help) the 4 and 3 year olds can pick up their own toys. Have a talk with dad and get his help in talking to your Mom~~Aloha~~Hope things gets better...and don't worry Cinderella your Prince will come one day and take you away from it ALL~~LOL~~

  2. For starters, I think everyone could make their own bed.  You might have to "touch-up" the 4 and 3 yr. olds, but I bet they would feel proud doing it.

    Also, everyone could help in picking up the play room.

    The 9 yr. old could help with the clean up after meals.

    And the 6 yr. old could help with dusting and folding.  

    Make a chore chart and give out stickers, make it fun for your siblings.  You sound very reliable, your mom is lucky to have you.

  3. wow your mother really lays it on you huh..dont worry i had to do the same thing. the good thing about all this is that i am a very very very clean maybe you will grow up to be the same way.

    okay here are the chores split up:

    YOU: *Make your bed and and organize all the rooms except for the 9yr. old., *dust, *wash and dry clothes (get the 3 yr. old to help put the clothes in the dryer...a good and fun learning experience), *pick out yourself and everyones outfits except the 9 yr. old., *clean the pool, *feed and walk the dog. when you walk the dog, bring the 3, 4, and 6 yr. olds with you taking turns b/c they like to be outside at their age.

    9 YR. OLD: *make own bed, and clean own room, *check mail, *vacumme, *clean play room with 6 yr. old.

    6 YR OlD: *water plants, *help 9 yr. old with play room, *shake off bibs

    4 YR OLD: *help you fold and maybe pick up the laundry

    3 YR OLD: pull off the sheets...this will be fun for them

  4. Yes, you can share these responsibilities

    9 year old can:

    pick up bedrooms

    help pick out clothes for next day

    get mail

    6 year old can:

    shake out bibs

    feed and water dog

    pick up playroom

    4 and 3 year olds can:

    assist with picking up rooms and playroom

    (my 4 year old picks up toys, sets the table, and helps clear the table after dinner.)

    If you only want to give them each 1 thing, you can pick something.  Or pick one different thing every day so they don't get som boerd.

    You are a GREAT daughter!  Good job helping out so much!  But you need some kid time too.  I hope this helps!

  5. Wow - that's a long list.  Some of the chores are pretty quick and easy.  The 6 and 9 year old can certainly organize their own rooms and make their own beds.  They could help feed the dog, get the mail, and help with the laundry. All of them, even the 3 and 4 year old, could pick up in the play room, take sheets off their beds, and water plants (kids love this job).  I don't know how deep the pool is, but that might not be a job that you should do, for safety reasons.

    They will be more likely to help if you make the chores into a game.  When they finish, have a treat or watch a movie or something to reward them (and yourself) for a job well done.  You will all feel good about sharing the work.

    You could also talk to your mom about doing less cleaning. I don't know if it's necessary to vacuum and dust every day, especially if you have a cleaning lady 3 times a week.  That's what she gets paid for.

    You are a good responsible daughter.  I'm sure your mom is very grateful for all your help.

  6. No offence to you and your family, but your mom sounds like a lazy sack of potatoes. I am sure all of the kids would have a fun time having a responsibility. You sound like the mother! What does your mom do?  

  7. The kids (minus the twins) are all old enough to be helping.  

    Each kid should:

    Make their own bed

    Clean and organize their own rooms

    Pick up the playroom

    Feed and water the dog

    Help wipe the table off after meals

    Pull their sheets off their beds to be cleaned

    I could go on...but they are all older enough to help.

    Good Luck!

  8. What the heck does your mom do? That sounds like neglect and abuse to me. She is not being a responsible parent at all. She should be figuring out what chores are appropriate for which child. Does she not know her children at all? I would talk to an adult outside the home and see what they say. This is not right at all. You have way too much responsibility. What about school and activities? She decided to have 7 kids. No way. This is unacceptable. This is not your job!!!!

    edit: Your mom needs to hire a nanny/assistant. It shouldn't be you. Give me a break. She's lazy.

    edit: You should take care of your own room,  help with the laundry and other stuff around the house but this is way too much. It's neglect.

    edit: Tough cookies on mom if she gets annoyed. It was her decision. Too late now.

  9. I'm 15 and the oldest of 6 (counting me) ages 13, 8, 6, 4, 2.

    One chore that they ALL love doing is folding the laundry once a day. I only make them fold the towels and washclothes ect.

    We call these little sessions "folding partys" because I play some upbeat fun music (not too loud) and we all fold to the beat! LOL

    Sound like fun?

    You can come up with a time of your own where you exitedly call everyone together in a big open area and let the party begin!

    Little kids don't need a whole lot of work to do besides their daily chores everyday, so keep it kinda light and don't stress them or yourself out.

    Are you homeschooled?

  10. Each* child should make their bed everyday and clean up their rooms. You may have to help the 4 and 3 year olds and fix their beds after they are done. Each* child should also contribute to clean the play room. for example: You play with a toy, you pick it up.


    9 Year Old: Do after meal rituals. & Pick out their own outfit. & Feed/water dog.

    6 Year Old: Dust. & Get mail (if responsible) & Help fold laundry. & Pick out own outfit.

    4 Year Old: Bring dirty clothes to laundry room. & Pick out own outfit. & Help put clean clothes away.

    3 Year Old: Pick out own outfit with a little help. & Make sure all toys are picked up.

    That leaves you to walk the dog 2x a day, iron the outfits, pick out the twins outfits, wash laundry, dry laundry, vacuum, and skim pool.

    That is more than fair for everybody.  

  11. That is sick, no offense or anything but you shouldn't have to do ALL of the those chores, it's waaayyy to much! It's like your Cinderella, without the whole happy ending and princess thing. Question. Does the 9 year old do any chores? Considering that he/she is the oldest out the your siblings he/she should help you with some of those chores on your list, they're old enough to:

    1) Clean their OWN room

    2) Pick out their OWN outfit

    3) Make their bed

    4) Help you walk the dog and feed it

    5) Water the plants

    6) Help you fold the laundry

    As for the rest of your sibs (besides the twins) here's what they can do

    1) They can ALL pick out their own outfits and get dressed, just watch them when they put they're clothes on and help them if they need it

    2) Don't pick up their toys in the playroom! They are all old enough to do that themselves! Only help them a little bit, let them do most of the work, but not all of it.

    3) Help them make their beds! Don't make their bed for them! JUST HELP THEM!

    4)  You can all help at meal times, let them help sweep under the table and wipe down the counter, just help them do it so it's not too much work for them and because you need to teach them the proper way to do it. (Don't let them help with the bibs, they'll just be grossed out and they'll get annoying)

    5) They can all help you water the plants

    The rest of the chores are for you! You are more mature than your younger siblings and little kids can fool around and be a pain when doing chores that are too hard for them. However, don't baby them. Make them do THEIR chores! If you do it for them, they'll never learn how to be responsible.

    Hope this helps! Good Luck! =D

  12. Alright, if your mother says it is alright

    The 9 year old can clean her own room, and it can just be checked once a week, to make sure it is getting done. She can make her own bed. She can also pick out her won outfit, and you can show her how to Iron it, and then just supervise. She can also wipe down the table and counter. Let her feed the dog in the evening.

    The 6 year old can clean his own room and you can just double check and make sure, help with any thing. Teach him how to make his own bed. He can do that. He can also shake out the bibs outside, just remind him, and show him how the first time. Let him pick out his own outfit, he can bring it to you and you iron it.

    The 3 and 4 years old can organize their own rooms with your help, they can also make their own beds, with your help. They can take turns getting the mail.

    Together, the 9, 6, 3, and 4 year olds, along with you can clean the play room. They can pick up the toes, and help dust. All four of them can also help you fold the laundry. You will; have to show them how, and help the younger ones, but they can help. The young ones can fold cloths, towels, socks, underwear. The older two can fold their own clothes as well as clothes, towels, socks, underwear. You can help with the rest. Give them each a few plants to water, and just check sometime during the week to make sure it was done. Everytime you walk the dog, take one of them with you. They can all pull their own sheets of the bed, but they will need help to remake it.

    That leaves you to

    Sweep under the table, skim the pool, feed and water the dog once a

    day, walk the dog, organize your room, make your bed, vacuum the downstairs playroom and help with the tidying, help pick outfits for the younger kids, iron some outfits, and wash and dry a couple loads of laundry.

    Help with my 11 year old

  13. You do seem to post a lot about having too much responsibility.  If your posts are for real, then sure, we can all agree it's too much responsibility.  But why not have these discussions with your mom or dad? That's a much better long-term solution than posting every question for an internet audience.  Ask your parents to delegate the different tasks so that everyone has a reasonable number of chores and too many things don't all fall on you (and it also doesn't fall on you to be the bad guy ordering the little kids around).  9- and 6-year-olds can do everything on that list except ironing (and possibly laundry), and if you split all those jobs 3 ways it really isn't that bad.  The 4- and 3-year-olds can do a lot of things on that list, too.

    (And if the house is being vacuumed and dusted every day by the cleaning lady, why do any of you need to do it at all?)

  14. I would just like to say that I'm 13 & if you feel like your the only one that does chores like that, I do too. I live with my dad, [45] my sister [22] two brothers [18 & 16] & my nephew [5]. my mom moved out when i was 8 & ever since then, ive been cleaning house, helping my dad manage his money, & its pure heck. i mean i like helping around, but NOBODY does anything around the house to help, except me. i just wished my dad would get married to a great woman who could run this house without ruining our lives. :( & my brothers girlfriends are ALWAYS over here, pretty much live here, & i hate it. ive got it a lot worse here, for sure.  

  15. Holy cow!!!!!

    I hate to sound critical, but that seems like a LOT of housework. It's not like you live in a museum, right? [by the way, I'm 46. No, my house isn't spotless, but it's at least neat.]

    Does your mom work a full time job outside the house?

    I would maybe get the littler kids to water the plants and pick up their toys, anything not too challenging that requires you to repeat instructions a million times ["NO! you use the pointy thing to vacuum the cushions...just give me that!"]. I sure wouldn't bother with ironing, I can tell you that!

    Maybe she's just trying to keep you out of trouble!

  16. For starters:

    9 year old can:

    make own bed, pick out outfit (you help a 9 year old do this??), water indoor plants.  OK I know that's more than 1.  

    Why do you have to iron it??

    6 year old can:

    make own bed, pick out outfit, get mail (my 7 year old does this everyday)

    4 and 3 year old can:

    pick out outfit - so what if it doesn't match.

    If the cleaning lady vacumms and dusts 3 days a week, why do you have to do it the other times.  I have a dog and 3 cats, yet I only vacumm 1x a week!

    Divide the tasks this way, and your down to laundry, dog walking, and pool cleaning.  I hope your siblings do other chores too.

  17. You will appreciate it later in life. Maybe your mother is counting on you because she knows you are responsible. My parents were always harder on me than any of my brothers and sisters because they believed I had enough endurance to do anything in the world I wanted. It will make you a better person in the long run so just do as your told.

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