
I'm 13 and want to start my own business...HELP!?

by Guest45019  |  earlier

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I am only 13 years old and would really like to start my own business. I need help though! How would I go about doing this. How can I raise money to start the business and then when I have the money what do I do? I know I probably seem really clueless but I know what kind of business I want to do...I just need a little help getting started!

Thanks in advance




  1. Learn how to start online based job & business very easy way.

  2. hi! im 13 too. r u serious about this?? i mean, are u ready to be some older people's boss?? i hav thought about it too and come up with the decision that i am WAY too young to be starting a business... but if u R  serious, the think about how to get the money, maybe make a suggestion to your parents that u will make dinner every 2nd night for $5 a week, or if u hav pets, feed them for the same amout, or more if they want because you will need alot of money to strt a business! maybe also help the neighbours for money. even tho ur plans are to start UR own business, maybe u could put in a ressume to a grocery store or petrol station and work there 4 a while. once u got the money, u need to set up aplace, depends what business ur into u could work from home or set up and office building. then u need merchandise, just make a heap of shirts to start off with that have the businesses name on them, then u can get other things like mugs etc.

    GOOD LUCK!! oh yeah, dont 4get employees!

  3. Here's the thing, you can't. You're 13, no one is going to take you seriously. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's the truth. It's almost impossible for a 13 year old to even find a job, and you want to start a business? It's not going to happen until you're an age where people will take you seriously.

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