
I'm 13 and want to take part in the 2012 olympics which by then ill be 17/18. where do i start?!?

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I'm interested in the rowing, cycling and possibly swimming




  1. A fellow I once knew who was in the Seoul games told me that it is all about dedication, dedication and dedication. Pick a sport, get a good coach and you could be there. Good Luck!

  2. The athletes begin training at a very young age. By the age of 13 most of them are already well trained. I would say you need a professional trainer, and you have to work hard. Good luck.

  3. In case you didn't start swimming yet, I'm afraid 13 is too late, although you should try - you might be gifted. Cycling is something that people could achieve at older age, besides, you can practice it all the time :)

    Rowing? That depends on the place you live, if there are premises in your area, than why not? Go and speak with different coaches, try each one of them and see which will be your discipline.

  4. Ok first of all if you want to do rowing then you have to have these times for the 2000m:

    For a Heavy Weight Rower (over 75KG) : below 6:00 mins

    For a Light Weight Rower (below 75KG): below 6:20 mins

    I suspect you are a Light Weight Rower so you should enter that category only if your times are good.

    For Swimming:

    Youve got a good chance if youve been taking lessons but your times should be like this:

    for 25m: below 13 seconds

    50m: below 26 seconds

    100m: below 53 seconds

    It may seem like harsh timings but out there in the olympics theres cut throat competition and only if you are fast enough you can survive.

    Rowing will take you a lot of time to master and get faster and 4 years is a very short gap.

    Unless you are super strong and can pull a time of under 7:30 mins now for 2000m, you dont have a chance so its best to forget it (but you can carry on rowing if you want for fun).

    I suspect you will be more good at swimming as you seem to have more experience in that sport, so right now concentrate in that!

    Good luck!

  5. Have a go at Archery. We need more good archers.

  6. um i think that ul have to be really good at these three sports u cant just say yh il do it that looks fun u hav to train like made i think think the 2016 olympics are more realistic that is if you arent already very very good at those three sports

  7. u can do anything, train hard for 2 or 3 years and go for selection : )  

  8. try rowing.  

  9. I agree with the others: definitely need a good coach and dedication.

    If your goal is the 2012 Olympic Games the only choice is swimming 'cos in the other two sports normally you are not on your top at the age of 17/18.

    Cycling could be the other choice especially if you are British :)

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