
I'm 13 i know how to m********e but i don't know how to ejaculation i guess i'm just too young?

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i'm circumcised if that helps at all i have hairs near my pe*** and i am not getting hairs in my armpits and i know its all in your mind deal and how long should i try to attempt ejaculation please help me thanks




  1. well when your circumcised its harder to m********e ..If i were you i'd just keep on trying .. when you feel this sudden urge when you jack-off then you'll ejaculate  

  2. 13! 13! dang by that time I was almost an expert.  I started jacking off around 8 years old.  The more you do that masturbating you will eventually produce an ejaculation of semenial fluid.  It's cumming (pun intended) give it time.

  3. your 13, your probably not making sperm yet

    you just have to wait

    you can still o****m now, but nothing will come out... lol because ur balls aren't producing any s***n

  4. you just keep going until you do

  5. i was like that wait 3 to 6 month and i bet u will have it  

  6. When you are ready, ejaculation occurs at the point of o****m.  So the next question is - are you reaching o****m yet? It's the climax of a masturbation session, after which your erection subsides and you lose interest for a while. If this isn't happening for you yet don't worry - it will when your body is ready.

    When you are circumcised you don't have a f******n to protect the head of your p***s, so you need to m********e gently. It may help to use a lubricant such as KJ jelly, which is designed for the purpose.

    There is a lot of helpful information on if you want to find out more.

    So - yes you probably are too young; and you should m********e to o****m, or if that doesn't happen, until you want to stop.

    If you want to discuss this further by email, click on my name to get to my Profile, and you can email me anonymously via Yahoo Answers. That ensures that all communications are confidential.

    Good luck!

  7. man. you got some balls asking this one. that'ss kind of a time we all just block out of our heads. i don't know, just don't worry about it I guess. keep jackin it, eventually one day, you ll think you peed yourself, but you actually ejaculated. and whats this talk about armpit hair whats that got to do with it? you think that masturbating o ejaculating helps you go through puberty faster? get beard and stuff faster? well, i don't think it does. but if it does, then it also makes we get ACNE, YES, ACNE (dramatic song, beethoven in  the background as i say the word) ACNE, so dont worry about it,, if it feels good, do it, and if youre circuncised better, you dont have the danger of riping that thingy you had removed

  8. dude ejaculation happens by itsself. right after o****m

  9. Just do it the way it feels the very best for you, and keep at it for a while - might be a couple of minutes or might be half an hour or even longer, and you might have to change ways of doing it a few times while you're at it...

    ... but if you keep at it long enough in the ways (and at the speeds) that feel the best, you'll definitely have an o****m after a while.   Even babies can have orgasms, so there's nothing to prevent *you* having them.

    You might not ejaculate (your testicles and prostate have to be mature enough for the fluid production involved), but an o****m without ejaculating is still an o****m and it's just about the best feeling there is.

  10. no when you r circumsized it is not harder to m********e. cuz im 13 and i *** out all the time. you are just a late bloomer. good luck

  11. Ah!  The world of wonderment!  Right now you have a lot more questions than you have answers.  You must be patient - all good things come to those who wait!  It's only human nature, I suppose, to want everything YESTERDAY - but it aint gonna happen.  You must wait your turn just like everybody else.  Keep trying - it gets better as time goes by.  Good luck.

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