
I'm 13 this 15 year old girl likes me?

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we are really good friends and we always hang out she ask me if i could be her boyfriend she said call me when you think about it i don't like her but i still want to be friends help what do i say give me a good speech




  1. dont try and give some big speach, or any speach at all for that matter,  just tell her how you really feel.

    if you arent ready for a relationship, say so.

    if you would rather just stay good friends, say so.

    if you really value her friendship and dont want to go to the next level, say that.

    whatever your reason, just tell her.

    she might be hurt in the beginning, but believe me, honesty is the best way. because she WILL understand eventually. and she will respect you alot more for being honest with her.

  2. is she hot. if she is just go with her. and does she know ur 13. say ur not the right guy for her and tell her she will find a better guy then u.  

  3. say " no way man! we have to good of a friendship and i dont want to dod anything to jeopardize it"

  4. "you wanna go out?" you say

    "ya, like lets see a movie" she says

    "uh, how about lets go shoot pool or go fishing or something" you say

    "well, I like you and would like to be your girlfriend" she says

    "sorry I'm not really into dating at the moment" you say

    "really?" she says

    "ya, Im just so busy with sports my friends and stuff I just dont think I'll be able to treat a girl properly" you say

  5. Just tell her that your not ready to have a commited relationship with her yet.. Tell her you just want to stay friends. Make sure to tell her that your still young and like other girls. Be friendly about it. =)

    Good luck

  6. Ok, it helps if your not dating at all yet, which you shouldn't be unless it's just talking on the phone and at school kind of dating. That way you can say that #1 "I'm not ready to date." or if you have been, say "I want to take a break from dating cause I'm not ready, I think I'm too young to really know what I want in a relationship." #2 say "You're my really good friend and I don't want to stop being friends" #3 "My parents don't want me dating." #4 "I don't think we really like each other that much but I really like you as a friend and still want to hang out with you".....Say stuff like that, don't lie, but this stuff should be the truth at your age anyway. When I was younger I would get crushes on my guy friends too cause they were there for me, made me laugh and feel better about myself and treated me right, but soon I would think it through and know that I just had a crush and wouldn't like them as a Bf. She will probably realize this pretty soon, if she keeps crushing on you for a long time tell her #4 again and maybe about how I said I felt when I was her age so then maybe she'll really think about it and start crushing on someone else.

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