
I'm 13 weeks pregnant and had a cooked ham and cheese croissant today is it safe ?

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It was cooked till piping hot in oven.... I'm worried sick now. I thought it would be ok because it was cooked but am now reading you shouldn't eat ham at all !!!!!




  1. Yes you are okay, As long as it is heated!  Girl how many people in the 70 ate ham and lunch meat pregnant,  You turned out okay right!

  2. dont worry, you'll be fine trust me!  you can eat just anything you want as long as you put everything in balance!  just avoid eating raw meat or even rare cooked meat though.  good luck and happy pregnancy!:)  being pregnant is such a wonderful feeling!

  3. my mom drank alotta soda when she was pregnant with me, and i have alotta acne o_O...stay away from sodas

  4. it should b fine i eat ham and kabana sometimes its ok as long as its only an occasional thing

  5. The books say not to eat deli lunch meat but you know what I've eatin it everyday and I'm 28 weeks pregnant, I drink sodas and tea, and everything is fine with my baby. most everything you can eat, just try not to eat like raw cookie dough and anything raw. The deli meat if it says cooked on the package it's fine. Just stay away from sushi and that other sushi stuff.

    Just relax it'll be just fine ask your doc if you need more reassurance, they will tall you what to stay away from. Good luck and keep on with your ham :D

  6. You know ham and cheddar cheese was one of my craving's when I was preggo I would eat a whole bag od cold cut ham and a whole block o cheese my little girl was just perfect not one issue and I ate ALOT of the stuff! I think so much of the things they tell you NOT to do is just ridiculous!

  7. I've never heard that you shouldn't eat ham at all.

    I know that sandwich hams and other sandwich fillers (devon, chicken loaf, ect.) are dangerous to eat and should be avoided, so watch out for them. If you really want a sandwich filler you can heat the meat up in a pan to reduce the risk, but that's up to you.

    As for the cheese croissant, you should be safe on that one.

  8. Ham is perfectly safe as long as it's cooked well.  If you bought it from a shop don't worry it's probably been cooked so many times that it's original elements aren't even that of ham anymore.    I'd be more worried about the cheese.  Hard cheeses are fine, but stear clear of soft cheeses (brie, feta, etc. etc.).  Congratulations!!!

  9. ive never read to not eat ham, where did you see that?

    you should not smoke or fairly sure everything else is fair game

    the better you eat for yourself, the better off the kid is, since hes feeding on you.  i was big on making sure my wife got protein, all of our kids are very strong, so who knows, it could be in my head, but id like to think that her diet helped alot....

    along with breastfeeding...

    now thats another arena..when you breastfeed, you need to stay away from gassy stuff, like eggs...they kill you, and you pass it right on to the kid, they have miserable gas, too...anyways, more info than you wanted to know

    i say youre not in any danger, go to sleep :)

  10. you just have 2 worry about your salt intake which ham is a little salty, but not 2 worry. drinking, smoking,illegal drugs are definatly out. listen 2 your dr. and maybe parents and you will be fine. by the sound of your question with the concern i think your on the way of being a great mom. good luck mike. p,s if its a boy dont name him mike haaa.

  11. your fine honestly the thing thats not fine is you stressing thats not good for the baby

  12. Ive read that you should stay away from deli meat but I had 2 pregnancies and the kids are fine, I think as long as you don't over eat it.  Its something to do with the processed meat.  I ate alot of ham, but I think mainly stay away from devon and salami etc.  

    You'll be fine.  Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!!!

  13. yup, it should be ok

  14. I've never heard that you can't eat ham but they keep changing things so much. When I got pregnant with my second things had changed so much i had to check with the doctor they still came out of the same hole. Youll be fine. Stop worrying.

  15. If it's as hot as you said, then you'll be fine... I might ask my man if he can pick up some croissants now!

  16. its fine just eat the nutrients you need such as

    protein-meat nothing fatty though

    carbs- pasta and rice





    Concerning your diet and that your pregnant you should eat fast food, or anything spicy.

  17. yes! don't worry it's fine.

  18. Whatever u read...stop reading it.  Geez, u can eat ham.

  19. rubbish

    i ate ham all the way through my pregnancy.

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