
I'm 13 years old and i have tiny hair growing on my body! I feel so ugly!?

by  |  earlier

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My pubic hair is joining with my body hair!




  1. Honestly, it's natural. It happens to everyone, though if your hispanic, asian, ect (a race with darker hair color) it can just APPEAR worse. Since your thirteen, honestly no one will see it, so I wouldnt shave it unless it becomes important, or noticable.

    Don't stress over it; you aren't gross, it happens to tons of girls. :P

  2. tatz normal and if u really dont like it, u could shave it or use nair

  3. its natural but if you ask your parent they may allow you to shave it off

  4. dont feel ugly!

    its normal

    talk about it with a parent

    and they might let you wax or shave it

    puberity is normal at this agee!

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