
I'm 13 years young and I want to change..?

by  |  earlier

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Most people think that I'm the goody goody type girl, but I'm not.

The way that I am i want to change it.

I think about s*x and saying that I'm ready but then I'm not physically ready. I used to send pictures of myself to my friend, but now i don't do that anymore. I just want to be the girl that is just regular. I'm a freak, but then i see myself being like all dirty and c**p, but i don't want to be that way.

Please don't say negative things about me cause i already have a low self esteem and i don't want it to get any lower.

I want to just change the way i feel about myself.

What can i do about this???






  1. okay , i know what you mean . i use to do SOMEWHAT of the same stuff . but i changed to the """nice friendly girl with the hot *** boyfriend that brightens peoples day , that never stops smiling and laughing who has a personallity to die for and can change anybodys life" .

    since i have stoped sending pictures to my friend my self esteem went SKY HIGH . i think of myself more than EVER before . i am told on a daily bases that i am a huge part of my friends life .

    i was the weird girl that sat in the back of the class and never listened who sent naughty pictures of myself to people i did not even know . i thought of myself as a person who was put on this earth just to please guys needs . once i got the nickname "****" at school i was determaned to change .

    i started to sit at the front of the class , i brought my grades up from a D to a B+ . then i told the people that i use to send pictures to "**** off" . i started to be myself . i hung out with the "preppy" people which gave me the courage to change even more . i still paint my nails black but that is normall for me , i still dress how i want and people are cool with it . my reputation as a **** has gone away , and EVERYBODY forgot about it . my current boyfriend asked me out , and we are very happy together . i have COMPLETELY turned my life around .

    i hope that you learn that there is more to life then s*x , naughty photos and being what people WANT you to be .

    be yourself and be good .

    good luck :)  

  2. You just want boys around you to like you (well, that's obvious). Being dirty is far not the best way to accomplish that. Without any terms of psychoanalysis - it will be over in some time.

  3. Have more confidence in yourself.. there's books that can help with that.  Check out the Library they have everything.  Don't worry about what everybody else thinks, you're you and you can live your life however you want to..

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