
I'm 14, 5"10, Male will I be over 6ft?

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Many of my relatives are over 6' tall and I was wondering if it was probable that I would be able to grow to be over 6 Ft tall, preferably 6'3". I'm not sure if this matters but I lift weights for football, nothing to crazy, but I squat around 150lbs, seeing as how that affects my legs, I was wondering if it would cause me to be short. I have a size 14 shoe, as people say that with big feet you should be tall.






  1. dont stop growing and going through puberty til about age 22ish.

  2. It depends if you're done with puberty or not.  If you haven't hit your growth spurt you'll definitely be over six feet,  but if you have, your chances of being over six feet aren't that great.

    Use that and see where you fall.

  3. Stop lifting weights, because the weight will affect your joints, and building muscle slows down your height growth.  Most guys reach close to their adult height around 14-15.  it's possible you'll pass 6 feet, but 6'3" is unlikely.

    That doesn't mean it's not possible.  I am 23, and over the last year and a half, i grew 8 inches, from 6'2" to 6'10", and still growing.

    Just make sure you get enough sleep, do exercises that doesn't involve heavy lifting, and eat right, and you'll gain the most your genetic height will allow.

  4. Well its possible that you'll be taller by May.. who knows?

  5. You have plenty of time to know.  Besides if your parents are over six feet you're more than likely too.  Your squats won't stop your growth, please.

  6. You will be over 6 feet tall without any questions. You can grow vertically up to the age of 23. At about 17 your knees, hands, elbow will be pretty close to the growth plates closing, however, your spine consists of the growth plates which close the last and you will get another inch out of these growth plates alone.

    Don't be surprise if you end up being 6'2 of thereabouts. Also, sleep in the key to growing as your body's pituitary gland releases growth hormone during a deep sleep which converts to IGF-1 in your liver which causing growth which means the higher your diet is in protein, then the more you will grow as proteins are the buildings blocks. I recommend that you go to the health food store and buy protein isolate and drink one gram of protein per lb or your body weight and then you will really grow at your age.

  7. you sound like you could end up tall!!!!!

  8. I would say around 6'1-6'2. Big feet don't mean you will be tall. There is not as strong a correlation as you would think. I wear size 16s and am only 6'0.  

  9. Most likely

    You have a few years of growing yet and only 2 inches til you reach 6'


    try that site...your bones will keep growing until you are about 20-21 so chances are you will be over 6"...but the site above will give you a little better guess

  11. It is very likely that you will grow to over 6ft., given your age and present height. Maybe you'll even get taller than 6' 3". Exercises affecting your legs have nothing to do with the eventual length of your bones, since the exercises are affecting the muscles. The relation between foot length and body height varies from person to person and has to do with family and individual genetics. Some tall people have relatively small feet, and vice versa.

    About your final height, there are no guarantees. I'm just saying it's  likely you'll be very tall.

  12. yes, you will probably reach over 6 ft tall.  

  13. Well considering that your only 14 im sure you have a lot more growing to do.

    Boys dont ususally start going through puberty untill about 14 years of age and they continue to grown until about the age of 18 or 19.

    Due to that fact that most of your relatives are tall, it would be safe to say that you most likly will be over 6ft.

    Dont worry tho, you are already taller than most guys and are not that far off 6ft.

    And by all means, you are not short.

  14. probably

  15. yes it should. but a muscular body will make you short. don't worry. if you have it in your genes-you'll grow.

  16. Yes, probably.

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