
I'm 14 and a bit confused about something.....?

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ok..i'm not very popular at school and the only friends i have are a year older than me. They're together like all the time and i rarely get to see them much. Now i feel like they've changed and whenever we do get a chance to meet, they talk about girls in their class and stuff that i cant join into. i don't feel like they're trying to push me out but at the same time i don't think they're really want to be my friend. When i get one of them alone they're totally different and talk behind each others backs to me. i'm really confused if i should just find new friends somehow or whatever....Please help




  1. i think you should stay friends with the older girls. you can definately learn a lot by being with them.

    they woudnt hang out with you if they didnt want to.

    you might want to get your favorite one alone one day and tell her your feeling a little excluded. she should try to include you more.

    then once school starts you might want to make some friends in your own grade. its aways good to have. then you have two groups to fall back on.  

  2. I have the exact same situation! If you don't want to be friends with them anymore then don't. If you wanna remain friends with them then remain, but that doesn't mean you can't make more friends.  

  3. I understand teens will be teens with the gossip, and backstabbing.  When I was 14, I never talked bad about others, because it always comes back and bites you in the butt!  The fact that these girls tell you bad things about the others behind their backs most likely mean they're doing the same thing regarding you.  A year older is no difference!  You all still go to the same school right?

    I think you should be treated fairly.  They may want to meet new people, but they shouldn't forget about the ones who already exist and have been there for them.  Everybody's different when you get them alone.  They feel they don't have to impress anybody else.  When they're in a group, the pressure is on and they try to evolve into something they're not just to seem "cool."  Unfortunately, "cool" nowadays pretty means being a b*tch and a "s***w you if you don't like it" attitude.

    I don't understand why people can'[t just be happy as they are.  You sound like a good person because you're protecting them by writing "...i don't feel like they're trying to push me out..."  Best answer is.. if they're REALLY your friends, nothing gets the kinks out of relationships better than good old fashioned communication.  If they think you're stupid for wanting to talk about the situation, then they're obviously not your friends.  For every "whatever, there's no problem, you're being paranoid" you hear from them, the more fake they are.  If that's the case, it's time you move on.  You don't have to be jerk, but let them know you're not comfortable, and in the best interest of all parties, you're all still friends, but just not the way you used to.  This way everybody is on good terms.

    I wasn't popular in high school either, but I made a lot of friends.  Being a jerk gets you nothing but enemies in the end.  Good luck!!

  4. just a year older than you...doesnt make them more mature than yourself.  there is no reason in the world why you shouldnt make more friends, new friends.  

  5. well i have the same problem with a couple of ppl. i would try to get some friends closer to your age. its hard to have older friends. but, just try to find other ppl to be around. if you want you can still hang wit them but in a way its like be careful.

  6. hahahah, I feel the same's just that you haven't seen the change coming....i think you should keep your friends, but find new friends that you could spend more time with....yes, i know! it is very hard to find friends in high school...grrr the world is too harsh on us, high school kids...but, you should just have confidence in yourself....

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