
I'm 14 and a poet what do i do

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hi i'm 14

and i'm a poet. I think, i don't write soppy love poems or moany whiny wingy ones about how bad my life is. I write a lot of different stuff but i don't have anyone to talk too. My friends as nice as they are don't really understand poetry and well i love my family but i can't be sure they're telling the truth when i show them my poems.

this holiday i have collected all the poems i've written in the past year (there's about 25, i don't have much time to write coz of lessons and music and drama) and written them all up in neat.

Now i have one problem i have no idea what to do with them

can anyone help?




  1. You should post some on here ;)

    Look into being a lyricist or song-writer if you do music and drama. Poetry dosn't have much substance. If you add it to song or dance...well, then you have something. I can't remember the last time I bought a poem, or a poetry I always am at a loss when I say "I want to be a professional poet, but thats never going to put bread on the table"

    You just have to incorporate everything you love :)

  2. look for poetry contests and submit them to places like, you will get some exposure and you might get something out of it, such as a scholarship or a book deal.  Your work is automatically copyrighted, but you may want to put a line in your submissions stating that it is your copyrighted work.   If you think it has commercial value mail the set to yourself and don't open the envelope, that will prove the date you created the work.

  3. I'd suggest looking around for poetry contests to enter.  I'm sure there are a ton of free ones online, and while you might not win much (if any) money at this age (legal reason), these will at least give you an objective idea about your work.

  4. There are a lot of websites online where you can share things you've made. Especially here on Yahoo answers.

    You should post some of your poems on here. I'm positive you have a lot of talent, and a talent like that should be shared.

    If not, you could always talk to an English teacher. Unless your English teacher is like mine and totally unreasonable.

    Oh well. Good luck! ^o^

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