
I'm 14 and broke, how can I make money?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not planning on getting a job until i can drive, but i just want a little extra cash right now.




  1. Sell some of your clothes to cosignment stores.  Dog walking around your neighborhood. Bake and sell in your neighborhood.

  2. do the chores for money

    cut the grass for money

    work online

  3. You can find many good idea from

  4. you probably won't  want to do this, but i'll tell you what i did as a kid to make money one summer.

    i used my dads shoeshine kit and went door-to-door and asked people if they needed any shoes shined. they probably didn't really need it done, but they thought it was cute what i was doing & would usually bring out and old pair to throw me a bone.

    i know it sounds lame, but maybe it will cause you to use your  imagination like i did to make some cash.

    good luck!

  5. Treasure troopers is a good one, you only have to be 13 to join and you can make money lots of different ways, including surveys, I make enough to make my car payment. You can sign up at

  6. I have this girl in my neighborhood who is your age. She had a huge list of things she was willing to do on something she printed up. Babysit, mow the grass, gardening, organizing, walk dogs, feed dogs if one is out of town, pick up newspapers if one was out of town, wash a car.... and much much more. She was nice, well spoken and such.

    My wife and I are not old and I could do anything myself. But it was very cool and impressive to have a kid show this kind of initiative. So I just found a bunch of things that she could do. I mentioned her to a neighbor and they did the same as well.

    Adding it all up I am thinking this 14 year old is making 800 bucks a week tax free from everybody.

  7. This site is invitation here's yours {or anybody else out there}

    You just keep doubling your money by playing games. You can also watch their tutorial for a better understanding.

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