
I'm 14 and going to be a freshman I don't what to bring as in supplies or if you get a list from the teacher?

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I'm 14 and going to be a freshman I don't what to bring as in supplies or if you get a list from the teacher?




  1. a lot of kinds don't bring backpacks.

    They just bring a couple spirals and folders because in first period (at least where i'm from) you stay there for a super long time because counselors are trying to get people's schedules together.  [the next day we usually go to all of classes] stock up on the obvious things like spirals and folders because you will use them eventually.

    Just write down the extra stuff you need in a spiral or some teachers give you a list.

  2. well i dont know what you have for your school

    but in my school what we do is just

    like you bring the usual stuff like penicls pens and like a binder and then we take a spiral to each class and either each teacher will tell you ahead of time what to bring or you just go to class and they tell you what to bring for the next day and you write that in your spiral

  3. The first day, bring a notebook, pen, and pencil. Find out the first day what each teacher requires. Then, you'll know exactly what to go buy.  

  4. im a freshman to!

    bring the basic stuff like pencil and paper and you will probably get a list of stuff to buy from your teacher the first day.  

  5. Just play it safe. Don't worry about the specifics because the teachers are going to tell you specifically what they want and will tell you if you can share their class with another class (I'm talking about having one binder for multiple classes).

    So for your first day just relax bring a bag and a binder, maybe some paper, pen, and pencil. You don't want to go buying everything you THINK you might need because it might turn out that you might not need it at all.

    So just get a backpack for sure, 4-5 Binders, lots of lined paper for sure (be safe and get college ruled not wide rule), a ruler, lots of pens and pencils, and since you're a freshman don't go getting a fancy calculator a scientific one should be just find until you get into higher levels of mathematics, you probably will just a little bit of graph paper, and of course you might down the road need the little stuff like scissors, colored pencils, construction paper (but don't worry about the construction paper, chances are you'll need it only for a project so just get it when you have one that requires it). That should cover your bases and your teacher should inform you of the rest.

  6. I'd bring in the obvious--a couple of pencils and pens, folders or a multi-subject notebook, some extra paper, maybe some markers--then ask the teacher what else is needed.  Look to see if these are listed on the class syllabus the teacher should hand out to you.

  7. nope u useally dont gtt lists but this is what i get

    about 5 or 6 different color for each subject...binders are better becasue it keeps you more organised

    a planer..small one

    a folder that has about 10 diffeernt sections for every period usally helpss

    and the usall pens pencils sharpes and highlighters

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